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In feudal times, the palace served tribute Baiyangdian reed mat.
在封建时代, 白洋淀苇席曾为宫廷贡品.
Reed mat: It is a traditional specialty Renqiu to Baiyangdian production up.
苇席: 是任丘的传统特产,以白洋淀产最多.
The reed mat pattern soft white beautiful, very high reputation in the country.
其苇席轻柔洁白花纹美丽, 在全国享誉甚高.
Baiyangdian property rich, rich rice, fish and shrimp , lotus root, and Ling, " Anju reed mat. "
白洋淀物产丰富, 盛产大米 、 鱼虾 、 菱藕和 “ 安州苇席 ”.