释义 |
punctualityCET4/CET6 - 英?[?p??kt??'?l?t?]
- 美?[?p??kt????l?t?]
词态变化- 副词:?punctually;
- 形容词:?punctual;
实用场景例句He's becoming more and more obsessive about punctuality. 他对守时要求越来越过分了。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 a stickler for punctuality 非常注重守时的人 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 He's been taken to task for his habitual lack of punctuality. 他因为经常不准时而受到批评. 《简明英汉词典》 How's that for punctuality? 你对严守时刻怎么看? 《简明英汉词典》 She lays great stress on punctuality , ie regards it as very important. 她非常强调要遵守时刻. 辞典例句 Stubbs is the soul of punctuality, and efficiency. 斯塔布思是个最准时, 最干练的人. 辞典例句 The nightmares appeared to him with celestial punctuality every single night he spent in the squadron. 他睡在中队里的每个晚上,恶梦总象日月星辰运转那样准时地找上他来. 辞典例句 I pride myself on my punctuality, accuracy, and dependability. 我准时守信, 精益求精,值得信任. 互联网 The most lovable and hateful thing in him is his punctuality. 他这个人最可爱和最可恨的一点都是他的守时. 互联网 Question 1 : can you say something about the importance of punctuality? 问题 1: 你讲讲守时的重要性 吗 ? 互联网 I'll have to have a word with them about punctuality. 我势必要得到他们关于守时的一句话. 互联网 The aim of the company is punctuality, professional and devotion. 公司拥有一批业务素质高,责任心强,经验丰富, 敬业爱岗的员工. 互联网 This company puts a premium on punctuality - so don't he late. 这家公司非常强调进上下班准时 —— 所以你一定不要迟到. 互联网 Huaying Engineering Translation Office solemnly promises: Good Faith, Confidentiality and Punctuality. 华英工程翻译事务所向客户郑重承诺: 诚信, 保密,守时. 互联网 Being neurotic about punctuality, they begin ( and end ) meetings exactly when scheduled. 他们十分讲究准时, 完全按时开会和散会. 互联网 真题例句In modern society, punctuality is a necessary virtue. 2015年高考英语陕西卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文 英英释义Noun1. the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time
词根词缀词根: punct =point/make sharp,表示"点,变尖,指,针" adj.punctilious 谨小慎微的punct点,变尖,指,针+ilious→[做事]点滴不漏→小心的 punctual 严守时刻的,准时的,正点的punct点,变尖,指,针+ual……的→到点上→准点的 pungent 刺鼻的,苛刻的pung=punct点,变尖,指,针+ent……的→尖的→尖锐的 n.acupuncture 针炙acu尖+punct点+ure表名词→用尖[针]点→针炙 compunction 懊悔,良心不安com全部+punct点,变尖,指,针+ion表名词→全身像针刺一样→懊悔 punctuality 准时punctual[adj.严守时刻的,准时的,正点的]+ity表名词→n.准时 punctuation 标点, 标点符号punctuate[v.加标点于;不时打断]+ion表名词→punctuation标点 puncture 刺孔,穿孔 punct点,变尖,指,针+ure表名词→点[进去]→刺穿 v.punctuate 加标点于;不时打断punct点,变尖,指,针+uate=ate表动词→加上点→加标点 puncture 刺穿,刺破punct点,变尖,指,针+ure表名词→点[进去]→刺穿