The sensitivity and specificity of TAS, hs - CRP combining serum lipids assay were ( 83.9 % ) and ( 78.8 % ) .
TAS 、 hs-CRP联合血脂检测的诊断灵敏度为83.9%,特异度为 78.8%.
Objective To assess the effect of levonorgestrel - releasing intrauterine system ( LNG - IUS ) on serum lipids and hepatic function.
目的探讨左旋炔诺孕酮宫内缓释系统 ( LNG-IUS ) 对育龄妇女血脂及肝功能的影响.
Objective : To study the effect of photosynthetic bacteria ( PSB ) on serum lipids and antioxidant capacity.
目的: 探讨 光合 细菌对高脂家兔的血脂与增强抗氧化能力的影响.