Different inducer, inducing method and inducing concentration have great effect to plant acquired resistance.
不同的诱导物 、 诱导方法、诱导浓度对植物获得抗病性有很大影响.
Now two resistant mechanisms are discovered: hypersensitive response ( HR ) and systemic acquired resistance ( SAR ).
已研究发现的抗病机制有两种: 过敏反应 ( hypersensitiveresponse HR ) 和系统获得性抗性 ( systemicacquiredresistanceSAR ).
After pathogen infection, plant will acquire a long lasting broad - spectrum resistance, known as systemic acquired resistance ( SAR ).
受病原体感染后, 植物会获得一种持久广泛的抗性, 称为系统获得性抗性,受到昆虫侵害时也会获得类似的系统获得性抗性.
Alternatively, acquired resistance results when tumors initially respond to therapy but become refractory to subsequent treatments.
或者, 当肿瘤最初响应于治疗但对随后的治疗变得难以治愈时,就会导致获得性耐药性.
NPR 1 , coloned from Arabidopsis thaliana , is akey regulatory gene of Systemic Acquired Resistance ( SAR ). Anthuriun andreanumLind.
利用农杆菌把植物系统获得性抗性的关键调节基因 NPR1 转化安祖花, 以获得抗性转基因植株,具有重大的现实意义和经济意义.