释义 |
stridentGRE - 英?[?stra?dnt]
- 美?[?stra?dnt]
词态变化- 副词:?stridently;
- 名词:?stridency;
实用场景例句a strident voice 刺耳的嗓音 牛津词典 He is a strident advocate of nuclear power. 他是发展核能的坚定拥护者。 牛津词典 strident criticism 猛烈的抨击 牛津词典 She was increasingly seen as a strident feminist. 她愈加被视为强硬的女权主义者。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...the unnecessarily strident tone of the President's remarks... 总统发言中不必要的强硬语气 柯林斯高阶英语词典 She tried to laugh, and the sound was harsh and strident... 她想笑,但声音听起来尖锐刺耳。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He could hear Hilton's strident voice rising in vehement argument with Houston. 他能听到希尔顿在同休斯敦激烈争吵时的咆哮声。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The telescreen had changed over to strident military music. 电幕上换了种吵人的军乐. 英汉文学 Why have the Chinese shifted from strident opposition to muted acquiescence? 为什么中国突然转变了态度,变得沉默或者说使默许了 呢 ? 期刊摘选 His strident voice rang through the house. 他那刺耳的嗓音响彻整个房子. 辞典例句 The news organization's coverage of China, however, is strident and critical. 新闻也包括来自中国的事情, 但都是聒噪刺耳的批评. 期刊摘选 To make matters worse, the government was faced by increasingly strident opposition from the Bolsheviks. 更糟糕的是, 政府面临着来自布尔什维克的日益尖锐的反对声. 期刊摘选 His language has become increasingly stark , to the point of sounding strident ( Robert Pear ) 他的话愈加生硬, 甚至听起来刺耳 ( 罗伯特派尔 ) 期刊摘选 To this small but increasingly strident group a victory for Hanoi was not regrettable. 这些激进分子人数虽少,但越来越尖刻,对他们来说,河内的胜利并非憾事. 辞典例句 A : The siren is really strident. 警笛声好尖锐啊. 期刊摘选 People are put off by her strident voice. 人们对她刺耳的嗓音感到十分厌恶. 《简明英汉词典》 Republicans are even more strident in their opposition to a more powerful Fed. 对于一个更强大的美联储,共和党的反对甚至更为激烈. 期刊摘选 The more I listened to it, the louder and more strident it became. 我越听越觉得噪音喧响,越发的刺耳难听. 期刊摘选 The strident voices stopped abruptly. 这刺耳的声音登时停了下来. 英汉文学 Polaroid was a strident protector of both its trademark and its patents. 宝丽莱对于它的商标以及专利是一个强烈的保护者. 期刊摘选 Their words were more strident than their actions. 与他们的行动相比,这些领导人的措辞倒是更加尖锐. 期刊摘选 He is a strident advocate of nuclear power. 他是发展核能的坚定拥护者。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 She was increasingly seen as a strident feminist. 她愈加被视为强硬的女权主义者。 柯林斯例句 She tried to laugh, and the sound was harsh and strident. 她想笑,但声音听起来尖锐刺耳。 柯林斯例句 Demands for his resignation have become more and more strident. 要求他辞职的呼声越来越强烈。 柯林斯例句 He could hear Hilton's strident voice rising in vehement argument with Houston. 他能听到希尔顿在同休斯敦激烈争吵时的咆哮声。 柯林斯例句 This was their mother at her worst. Her voice was strident, she was ready to be angry at anyone. 这是他们的母亲情绪最坏之时,她说话咄咄逼人,随时会对任何人发火。 柯林斯例句 英英释义Adjective1. conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry;"blatant radios" "a clamorous uproar" "strident demands" "a vociferous mob" 2. unpleasantly loud and harsh
词根词缀后缀: -ent 1. 表形容词,"……的"; 2. 表名词,通常表示"……人",也可以表示其他具体物.; 3. 表名词,"……药剂" adj.antecedent 先行的;以前的antecede先行+ent……的→adj.先行的;以前的 confident [of,in]确信的,自信的confide倾诉,信赖+ent……的→confident excellent 卓越的,极好的excel优胜,超越+ent……的→excellent卓越的,极好的 frequent 时常发生的,频繁的frequ+ent……的→adj.时常发生的,频繁的 indigent 贫穷的,贫困的indigen本地人+ent……的→indigent insistent 坚持的;逼人注意的insist坚持+ent……的→adj.坚持的;逼人注意的 latent 潜伏的lat=last持续+ent……的→latent obedient 服从的,顺从的obey服从+di+ent……的→obedient→服从的 prevalent 流行的,普遍的preval=prevail流行+ent……的→adj.流行的,普遍的 pungent 刺鼻的,苛刻的pung=punct针+ent……的→尖的→尖锐的 sentient 有知觉的,知悉的sent感觉+i+ent……的→adj.有知觉的,知悉的 silent 寂静的,沉默的,无声的sil+ent……的→adj.寂静的,沉默的,无声的 strident 刺耳的;尖锐的strid+ent……的→adj.刺耳的;尖锐的 transient 短暂的,转瞬即逝的;临时的,暂住的trans转移+i+ent……的→adj.短暂的,转瞬即逝的;临时的,暂住的 urgent 急迫的,紧急的urg+ent……的→adj.急迫的,紧急的 resident 居住的reside居住+ent……人→n.居民,常住者 adj.居住的 absorbent 能吸收的 absorb吸收,吸引+ent……药剂→吸收剂 detergent 净化的 deterge使清洁+ent……药剂→adj.净化的 n.清洁剂 solvent 有偿债能力的 solv溶解+ent……药剂→溶剂 n.correspondent 记者,通讯员;通信者correspond通信+ent……人→n.记者,通讯员;通信者 president 总统,校长,会长,主席preside主持+ent……人→主持[的人] resident 居民,常住者 reside居住+ent……人→n.居民,常住者 adj.居住的 student [大中学校的]学生;研究者,学者study学习+ent……人→student学生 absorbent 吸收剂absorb吸收,吸引+ent……药剂→吸收剂 detergent 清洁剂deterge使清洁+ent……药剂→adj.净化的 n.清洁剂 reagent 反应力;试剂re再+ag做+ent……药剂→再次作用→反应,引申为化学试剂 solvent 溶剂solv溶解+ent……药剂→溶剂