Objective : To investigate the difference of E - Selectin expression during vascular avulsion injury.
目的: 探讨牵拉性撕脱伤血管上的E-选择素的变化.
Plasma P - selectin , endothelin - 1 ( ET 1 ) and von willebrand factor ( vWF ) were measured.
测定两组血浆P - 选择素 、 内皮素 -1 ( ET-1 ) 及血管性血友病因子 ( vWF ) 水平.
In this process, urokinase - type plasminogen activator ( uPA ) and P - selectin play a very important role.
在此过程中, 尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物(urokinase -type plasminogenactivator,uPA ) 和P - 选择素起着十分重要的作用.
Results: E - Selectin expression could be detected on tunica intima, and had dose - response with increasing of stain.
结果: 撕脱伤静脉内膜上有E - 选择素的表达,牵拉力的增 高强 阳性就越明显.
Conclusion: The expression of P - Selectin seems to be correlated with endothelial cell injury, platelet and thrombosis.
结论: 提示P - 选择素与内皮细胞的损伤 、 血小板在损伤血管内滞留、血栓形成有关.
The number of P - selectin molecules on cell surface was calculated using radio - irnmunoassay ( ERMA ).
血小板膜表面P - 选择素数量用免疫放射法 ( IRMA ) 测定.
Conclusion: The expresion of E - Selectin seemed to be relevant with endothelial cell injury.
结论: 提示E-选择素与内皮细胞的损伤有关.