释义 |
the communist party- 英?[e? ?k?mjunist ?pɑ:ti]
- 美?[ei ?kɑmj?n?st ?pɑrti]
释义大小写变形:the Communist Party 实用场景例句That area also houses the Communist Party committee building , which was almost gutted, Li said. 李说, 那是机要地区,县委驻地也在此处. 互联网 Lenin's successor would tighten the Communist Party's iron grip on the commanding heights of the economy. 列宁的继任者加强了在经济制高点行业的铁腕统治. 互联网 Before liberation, grandpa worked for the Central Work Committee of the Communist Party. 解放前, 爷爷在工委工作. 互联网