释义 |
submissiveCET4/CET6 - 英?[s?b?m?s?v]
- 美?[s?b?m?s?v]
词态变化- 副词:?submissively;
- 名词:?submissiveness;
实用场景例句He expected his daughters to be meek and submissive. 他期望女儿都温顺听话。 牛津词典 She followed him like a submissive child. 她对他百依百顺,像个听话的孩子。 牛津词典 ‘You're right and I was wrong, ’ he said submissively. “你说得对,是我错了。”他恭顺地说。 牛津词典 Most doctors want their patients to be submissive. 大部分医生希望病人能听从医嘱。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Instead of speaking, I smiled; and not a very complacent or submissive smile either. 我没说话, 只是微笑, 而且那也不是非常得意或者谦恭的微笑. 辞典例句 Yet he was as submissive to a word of advice as if he had constant terror. 可是他好像一直提心吊胆,我劝他的话,他没有不听的. 期刊摘选 Mary is not a submissive wife. 玛丽是个不顺服的妻子. 期刊摘选 I am a submissive, heterosexual woman. 我是一个顺从的异性恋女人. 期刊摘选 All she requires of a class is that they should be clean, punctual and submissive. 她对全班的要求就是:整洁 、 守时、顺从. 期刊摘选 A submissive wife says yes to everything her husband says. 顺从的妻子对她丈夫所说的一切都惟惟诺诺. 期刊摘选 Paul and Barnabas, but submissive to the Holy SpirIt'speaking through the other believers. 换句话说,在早期教会,圣灵是通过教会的领袖们向保罗和巴拿巴说话, 差遣他们进行第一次的宣教旅程. 期刊摘选 People with thought are brave rather than cowardly, aggressive rather than submissive. 有思想的人,勇锐超过怯弱, 进取压倒苟安. 期刊摘选 They never submissive like dogs and horses. As a result, humans have to respect feline independence. 它们从不像狗和马一样对人类言听计从, 因此, 人类也懂得尊重猫的独立自主(性). 期刊摘选 They never become submissive like dogs and horses. 它们从不像狗和马一样变得那么顺从. 期刊摘选 Thirdly, she presents the feminine life positive just writing and the masculine life submissive writing phenomenon. 其三, 女性生命的阳刚书写与男性生命中的阴柔书写现象. 期刊摘选 She was headstrong , angry and not at all submissive. 她倔强,愤恨, 毫不顺从. 辞典例句 Rolling over is avoidance behavior you will observe in extremely submissive dogs. 在极度顺从的犬身上,逃避行为还表现为翻身倒下. 期刊摘选 Eug é nie bowed, not as a submissive daughter, but as an adversary prepared for a discussion. 欧热妮鞠了一躬, 但她的神态不象是一驯服的女儿, 而象是一个随时准备辩论的对手. 期刊摘选 First you should try to determine what makes you submissive or guilty. 首先你应该找出使自己妥协或感到愧疚的原因. 期刊摘选 She listened to it all with the most steady and submissive attention. 她十分沉静、顺从、注意地听着这一切. 辞典例句 Bertha would eventually become the dutiful and submissive spouse. 伯莎最终会成为那种本分驯良的妻子. 辞典例句 WOMAN WARRIORS Fragile , submissive, demure and mysterious. That's how some Americans think of Asian women. 江湖女侠一些美国人对亚洲女性的看法是, 她们纤弱 、 顺从 、 娴静而又神秘. 期刊摘选 Duke Ai asked, " What shall I do that the common people may be submissive? " 鲁哀公问道: “ 要做什么事情才能使百姓服从你? ” 期刊摘选 Their early training programmes them to be obedient and submissive. 他们早期受过的教育把他们训练得俯首帖耳、唯命是从. 《简明英汉词典》 In the men's eyes, a woman's gentle, fragile and submissive, in fact, a force. 在男人眼中, 女人的温柔 、 脆弱和顺从, 其实就是一种力量. 期刊摘选 These naughty boys were quiet and submissive in the headmaster's presence. 在校长面前,这些淘气的男孩不敢吱声,一个个依头顺脑. 期刊摘选 He expects his wife to be meek and submissive. 他期望妻子温顺而且听他摆布. 《简明英汉词典》 Some, who were violent among themselves now appeared as submissive as children. 有的在他们自己人中间穷凶极恶,此刻却显得孩子般恭顺. 期刊摘选 The dominant hamster often licks the belly of the submissive hamster. 统治者通常会舔下属的腹部. 期刊摘选 真题例句This leads to building a brand of underconfident, suBMIssive, low-impact non-leaders and hampers their growth and career advancement. 2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C 英英释义Adjective1. inclined or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination;"submissive servants" "a submissive reply" "replacing troublemakers with more submissive people" 2. willing to submit without resistance to authority; deferent3. abjectly submissive; characteristic of a slave or servant;"slavish devotion to her job ruled her life" "a slavish yes-man to the party bosses"- S.H.Adams "she has become submissive and subservient"
词根词缀词根: miss =send/cast,表时"送,放出,派,错过" adj.emissive 发射的, 放射性的e出+miss送,放出+ive……的→送出去 missing 不见的, 缺少的miss[v.错过;想念]+ing表形容词→adj.不见的, 缺少的 remiss 疏忽的,不留心的re不+miss送,放出,派,错过→不送出去→怠慢的 permissive 过份纵容的per始终+miss送,放出,派,错过+ive……的→始终放出→纵容的 submissive 恭顺的sub在下面+miss放+ive表形容词→放下面→恭顺的 n.missionary 传教士mission[n.使命,任务;使团,代表团]+ary人→n.传教士 commission 委员会;委任,委托[书],代办;佣金,手续费com共同+miss送,放出,派,错过+ion表名词→共同送出[选出]的人→委员会 emission 散发;传播;发出物e出+miss送,放出+ion表名词→送出去 mission 使命,任务;使团,代表团miss派+ion表名词→派遣 remission 宽恕,赦免re再+miss送,放出+ion表名词→再次放过[别人]→宽恕 omission 遗漏,省略o出+miss送,放出+ion表名词→放出去→省略 permission 允许,同意per始终+miss送,放出,派,错过+ion表名词→始终放出→允许 transmission 播送,发射;传动,传送trans横+miss送,放出+ion表名词→横着送出去→播送 emissary 密使,特使e出+miss送,放出+ary人→送出去的人 submission 服从,恭顺sub下面+miss送,放出,派,错过+ion表名词→放下面→屈服 v.dismiss 解散;开除dis分开+miss送→分开送出→解散 miss 错过;想念miss放出,错过→错过;想念
前缀: sub- 1. 表示"接近,靠近"; 2. 在后面;再; 3. 表示"在下面,次一等,副手" adj.subacid 略酸的sub接近,靠近+acid酸→adj.略酸的 subadult 接近成年的sub接近,靠近+adult成年人→adj.接近成年的 subarctic 近北极的sub接近,靠近+arctic北极的→adj.近北极的 subarid 有点干燥的sub接近,靠近+arid干燥的→adj.有点干燥的 subcentral 接近中心的sub接近,靠近+central中心的→adj.接近中心的 subliminal 潜意识的sub在下面,次一等,副手+limin门槛+al……的→在门槛下→在意识之下→潜意识的 submissive 恭顺的sub在下面,次一等,副手+miss放+ive……的→放下面→恭顺的 subterranean 地下的sub在下面,次一等,副手+terr地+anean→地下的 n.subculture 次培养基;亚文化 sub接近+culture栽培,培育;文化→n.次培养基;亚文化 v.次培养 sublet 转租的房屋sub再+let出租→v.转租 n.转租的房屋 subarea 分区sub在下面,次一等,副手+area区域→n.分区 subbranch 小分支;支[分]店;分公司sub在下面,次一等,副手+branch枝, 分枝, 分部→n.小分支;支[分]店;分公司 subdean 副助理监督, 副助理主教sub在下面,次一等,副手+dean教长→n.副助理监督, 副助理主教 subeditor 助理编辑sub在下面,次一等,副手+editor编辑→n.助理编辑 subhead 小标题, 副标题sub在下面,次一等,副手+head标题→n.小标题, 副标题 suboffice 分办事处sub在下面,次一等,副手+office办公室→n.分办事处 subofficer 下级军官sub在下面,次一等,副手+officer官员→n.下级军官 subtitle 副标题sub在下面,次一等,副手+title标题→n.副标题 subtropics 亚热带sub在下面,次一等,副手+tropic热带+s→亚热带 subway 地道,地铁sub下面+way道路→n.地道,地铁 v.subculture 次培养sub接近+culture栽培,培育;文化→n.次培养基;亚文化 v.次培养 sublet 转租 sub再+let出租→v.转租 n.转租的房屋 subdue 征服;减轻sub在下面,次一等,副手+due债务,义务→减轻 subjugate 镇压;征服sub在下面,次一等,副手+jug牛轭+ate表动词→套上牛轭→镇压 submerge 沉没,淹没sub在下面,次一等,副手+merg沉没+e→淹没下去 suborn 收买,贿赂sub在下面,次一等,副手+orn装饰→在下面装饰[别人]→贿赂 subscribe 捐献,订购sub在下面,次一等,副手+scrib写+e→在下面写上名字→订购 subside 下陷;平息sub在下面,次一等,副手+side坐→坐下去→平息 subvert 颠覆,推翻sub在下面,次一等,副手+vert转→转下去→推翻