Horizontal wind load is one of the main load which high - rise and super high - rise structures suffered.
水平风荷载是高层和 超高层 结构的主要设计荷载之一,它可造成工程结构的损伤和破坏,给人民生命财产带来重大损失.
It is found that, by proper design, hybrid structure is applicable to super high - rise residential buildings.
研究表明:通过合理的设计, 混合结构是完全适合超高层住宅的一种结构体系.
Some World Trade Center towers fell on the ground there are super high - rise future?
首页>>房产资讯>>新闻热点>>世贸中心双塔轰然倒地超级高楼还有前途 吗 ?
This article analyzes some bases and theories of passenger elevator installation in super high - rise .
该文分析 超高层 建筑设计客梯设置一些依据和理论.
A super - high rise building with shuttle - shaped profiles, which constructed in Shanghai is a tube - in - tube structure.
拟建于上海的某 超高层 建筑,立面造型为梭形,结构体系采用了筒中筒结构, 根据其特殊的建筑造型,外筒采取了斜柱方案.