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superintendGRE/IELTS - 英?[?su:p?r?n?tend]
- 美?[?sjup?r?n?t?nd, ?supr?n-]
词态变化- 第三人称单数:?superintends;
- 过去式:?superintended;
- 过去分词:?superintended;
- 现在分词:?superintending;
- 名词:?superintendence;
实用场景例句During the interval, Linton superintended a prize draw. 中间休息时,林顿组织了一次抽奖。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 How to strengthen trade on the net superintend? 如何加强网上交易监管? 期刊摘选 How did financial seismic sea wave superintend money market this to raise a lot of question. 这次金融海啸就如何监管金融市场提出了诸多问题. 期刊摘选 Accordingly, 360 superintend and director guide committee also does not have the value of existence actually. 因此, 360督导委员会实际上也没有存在的价值了. 期刊摘选 He was appointed to superintend the toy department. 他获任玩具部的负责人. 期刊摘选 Not too much superintend. 没有太多监管. 期刊摘选 Opposite at advocate board the market, card inspect will be right board superintend more will strict. 相对于主板市场, 证监会对创业板的监管将更加严格. 期刊摘选 How accurate the accredit action that holds superintend and director to check? 如何准确把握督查的授权行为? 期刊摘选 Drive the word of superintend, a day of most examination is nodded 5 times. 开车督察的话, 一天最多检查5个点. 期刊摘选 Introduce and Superintend the staff in the correct and safe use of Plant facilities & Internet. 颁布并督导员工正确合理安全使用工厂基础设施 及 网络设施. 期刊摘选 To define the procedure of PM and superintend the technician to achieve the PM plan. 制定设备PM程序,并督导PM技术员 按要求完成PM计划. 期刊摘选 Mr. Superintend, the hole of the lower rudder pintle damaged. It needs to be bored. 机务总管先生, 下舵销孔有所损伤,需要镗孔处理. 期刊摘选 The operation background is the operations of fire control and superintend in Dalian fire bureau. 业务背景为大连市消防局日常消防监督管理各项业务. 期刊摘选 We should send a man to superintend the erection of machinery. 我们应派一个人去监督机器的安装. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 The government should be had macroscopical adjusting control, harmonious, superintend, encourage reach introductory function. 政府应具有宏观调控 、 协调 、 监管 、 鼓励及引导的职能. 期刊摘选 Mr. Liu is a superintend in the editorial office. 小刘是编辑部的一个负责人. 期刊摘选 These staff members cooperate hand in hand, form American food safety to superintend a system. 这些工作人员携手合作, 则形成美国食品安全监管系统. 期刊摘选 词根词缀前缀: super- 1. 表示"在……上面"; 2. 表示"超级,超过,过度" adj.superficial 肤浅的super在……上面+fic做+ial……的→在表面上做 superannuated 老迈的,老式的super超级,超过,过度+annuated有年纪的→adj.老迈的,老式的 supercilious 目中无人的super超级,超过,过度+cili眉毛+ous……的→在眉毛上看人→目中无人 superfluous 多余的super超级,超过,过度+flu流+ous……的→超过了流出来 supernatural 超自然的super超级,超过,过度+natural自然的→adj.超自然的 supersensitive 过度敏感的super超级,超过,过度+sensitive敏感的→adj.过度敏感的 supersized 超大型的super超级,超过,过度+sized大小的→adj.超大型的 supersonic 超音速的super超级,超过,过度+sonic音速的→adj.超音速的 supreme 极度的, 极大的, 至高的, 最高的supre=super超级,超过,过度+eme→adj.极度的, 极大的, 至高的, 最高的 n.superstition 迷信super在……上面+stit建立+ion表名词→建立在人[理智]之上的东西→迷信 superstructure 上层建筑super在……上面+structure结构→n.上层建筑 supermarket 超级市场super超级,超过,过度+market市场→n.超级市场 v.superimpose 放…上面,强加super在……上面+impose放上去→在上面放→强加 superintend 监督super在……上面+intend想要,打算→在上面算计→监督 supersede 淘汰;取代super在……上面+sede=side坐→坐上去→淘汰[以前的东西] supervise 临视super在……上面+vis看+e→在上面看→临视 supercharge 负载过重super超级,超过,过度+charge收费,负担→负担过重