释义 |
trajectoryGRE - 英?[tr??d?ekt?ri]
- 美?[tr??d??kt?ri]
实用场景例句(figurative)My career seemed to be on a downward trajectory. 我的事业似乎在走下坡路。 牛津词典 a missile's trajectory 导弹的弹道 牛津词典 ...the trajectory of an artillery shell. 一枚炮弹的弹道 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...a relentlessly upward career trajectory. 扶摇直上的事业轨迹 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Defense penetration probability of supersonic S maneuver antiship missile to air missile by trajectory simulation calculated. 采用弹道仿真方法来求取超声速反舰导弹蛇形机动突防舰空导弹的突防概率. 期刊摘选 Microsoft has been written off before, but always remained on an upward trajectory. 微软以前也有过走下坡路被看跌的时候, 但它总是可以起死回生. 期刊摘选 Trajectory tracking was completed through the outer loop. 飞行轨迹的跟踪则通过外回路来实现. 期刊摘选 Within two hours, the Minor Planet Center used sightings by others to chart its trajectory. 在两个小时内, 国际小行星中心就利用他人的观测信息跟踪到了它的轨迹. 期刊摘选 Signal transmission is the principal part of automatic control system for wellbore trajectory. 信号传输是井眼轨道自动控制系统的重要组成部分. 期刊摘选 In it Nye writes of the risks posed by China's uncertain political trajectory. 在文章中,奈写道了中国政治轨迹不明确所带来的风险. 期刊摘选 The algorithm canapplied to solving the impact problem by solving the trajectory equations. 该算法适用于解弹道方程组求解射击诸元方法的解相遇算法. 期刊摘选 To this designed the optimal trajectory, simulations are completed respectively, and results are analyzed. 对所优化设计的飞行航迹分别进行飞行仿真验证与分析. 期刊摘选 This trajectory contrasts sharply with what has happened in America. 这与美国的情况形成了鲜明的对比. 期刊摘选 Finally, the control law of trajectory tracking is presented based on a control Lyapunov function. 基于控制李亚普诺夫函数推导出了轨迹跟踪的控制律. 期刊摘选 Finally, one trajectory meeting the height and the speed of towing flight is designed. 最终设计出一条满足牵引飞行高度和速度的轨道. 期刊摘选 The changes of optimal trajectory caused by Earth's oblateness are computed. 详细计算分析了地球扁率对最优轨道的影响. 期刊摘选 We present a method to design trajectory for a Lunar satellite under certain constraints. 讨论满足约束条件的月球卫星飞行轨道的设计问题. 期刊摘选 The red dots are the lowest energy structures of each completed trajectory. 大概就是每一个小阶段的最低能量结构吧. 期刊摘选 AS combat simulation frame and AS missile trajectory simulation model are setup in the paper. 建立了空地作战任务仿真框架和空地导弹的弹道计算模型. 期刊摘选 The problems of trajectory tracking control and vibration suppression of a rigid flexible manipulator are discussed. 讨论刚柔性耦合机械臂轨迹跟踪控制和振动抑制问题. 期刊摘选 A rapid iteration algorithm adapting to ballistic missile trajectory design is presented. 摘要提供了弹道导弹弹道设计的一种快速迭代方法和模型. 期刊摘选 This paper mainly experiment research and numerical analyzed the submunition ballistic trajectory condition of hard munition. 本文主要对攻坚弹药子弹弹道环境进行了初步的试验研究和数值分析. 期刊摘选 Under this arrangement, three rules deal with a combination of trajectory recognition algorithm. 根据此布置方式, 提出了三个处理规则结合而成的轨迹识别算法. 期刊摘选 The new method of measuring velocity of spinning projectile in exterior trajectory was proposed. 旋转弹外弹道自转角速度的实时测量是弹道修正引信弹道解算器设计的重要环节之一. 期刊摘选 Analyzing to a Stand off missile's flight characteristics, the AS missile trajectory simulation is completed. " 在分析了典型防区外导弹飞行特点的基础上, 进行 空地导弹 弹道仿真. 期刊摘选 They said the satellite did not have a booster mechanism to correct its trajectory. 他们说卫星没有安装增压机制用以校正轨道. 期刊摘选 Measurement error is obtained by comparing the designed trajectory and the simulated one. 比较了仿真结果和原始轨迹,得出了测量误差曲线. 期刊摘选 We can get trajectory parameter through dealing these images. 通过处理这些图像可获得被测目标的外弹道参数. 期刊摘选 My career seemed to be on a downward trajectory. 我的事业似乎在走下坡路。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 真题例句similarly with earnings, young men's wages after adjusting for inflatio have been on a downward trajectory since 1970 and fell significantly from 2000 to 2010. 2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B 英英释义Noun1. the path followed by an object moving through space
词根词缀词根: ject =throw/st,表示"投掷,扔" adj.abject 可怜的ab离开+ject抛→抛掉→可怜的 adjective 形容词的,用作形容词的ad增加+ject投掷,扔+ive……的→扔上去的,附加的 dejected 沮丧的,失望的deject[v.使沮丧, 使灰心]+ed表形容词→adj.沮丧的,失望的 objective 客观的,真实的object[n.物体;客体,对象;目标;宾语 v.[to]反对]+ive……的→客观的[词性变化:作名词,表示"目标,目的"] subject 隶属的;易遭sub在下面+ject投掷,扔→扔下去→服从的,扔下去大家讨论的主题 n.adjective 形容词 ad增加+ject投掷,扔+ive……的→扔上去的,附加的 ejection 喷出, 排出物eject[v.投出,掷出]+ion表名词→n.喷出, 排出物 interjection 感叹词inter在……中间+ject投掷,扔+ion表名词→在句子中间扔出的字→感叹词 object 物体;客体,对象;目标;宾语 ob逆,反+ject投掷,扔→反着扔→反对→引申为扔向目标 objection [to]反对,异议,不喜欢,反对的理由object反对+ion表名词→n.[to]反对,异议,不喜欢,反对的理由 objective 目标,目的 object[n.物体;客体,对象;目标;宾语 v.[to]反对]+ive……的→客观的[词性变化:作名词,表示"目标,目的"] project 工程项目pro向前+ject扔→扔向前面→投射;引申为工程项目 projectile 抛射物,发射体project[v.投射出;n.工程项目]+ile物体→向前扔的物体 projection 射出,投射;计划project[v.投射出;n.工程项目]+ion表名词→n.射出,投射;计划 rejection 退回,拒绝reject[v.拒绝,抵制,丢弃,排斥,退掉 n.落选者]+ion表名词→n.退回,拒绝 subject 主题;学科 sub在下面+ject投掷,扔→扔下去→服从的,扔下去大家讨论的主题 subjection 征服subject[n.主题;学科 adj.隶属的;易遭..的 v.使隶属]+ion表名词→n.征服 subjectivity 主观性, 主观subject主观+ivity表名词→n.主观性, 主观 trajectory [抛射物]弹道轨道tra穿+ject投掷,扔+ory范围→扔出去穿过的范围→弹道轨道 n.&v.conjecture 推测,臆测con共同+ject投掷,扔+ure表名词→大家一起扔[思想]→推测 v.deject 使沮丧, 使灰心de向下+ject投掷,扔→情绪向下扔→沮丧 inject 注射[药液等];注入in进入+ject投掷,扔→扔进去→注射 object [to]反对ob逆,反+ject投掷,扔→反着扔→反对→引申为扔向目标 project 投射出pro向前+ject扔→扔向前面→投射;引申为工程项目 reject 拒绝,抵制,丢弃,排斥,退掉 re回+ject扔回来→拒绝 subject 的 sub在下面+ject投掷,扔→扔下去→服从的,扔下去大家讨论的主题
行业词典体育飞行路线???箭道???弹道??? 力学轨迹???