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survival高中/CET4/CET6/考研/TOEFL/IELTS - 英?[s??va?vl]
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实用场景例句the struggle/battle/fight for survival 为生存而斗争 / 战斗 / 拼搏 牛津词典 His only chance of survival was a heart transplant. 只有进行心脏移植,他才有望活下去。 牛津词典 Exporting is necessary for our economic survival. 必须有出口,才能维持我们的经济。 牛津词典 The ceremony is a survival from pre-Christian times. 这种仪式是从公元前遗留下来的。 牛津词典 ...companies which have been struggling for survival in the advancing recession... 在日益萧条的经济环境中挣扎求生的各个公司 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Ask for the free booklet 'Debt: a Survival Guide'. 可以索要免费小册子《债务:生存指南》。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 If cancers are spotted early there's a high chance of survival... 如果癌症在早期发现的话,存活的几率会很高。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 An animal's sense of smell is still crucial to its survival. 动物的嗅觉对其生存仍然至关重要。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 This is probably a perfect survival of the music of Egypt and Babylon. 这大概就是埃及和巴比伦音乐完整的遗存. 辞典例句 The old man is a survival of the past age. 这老人“乃”上一个时代的遗老. 期刊摘选 Greater turbulence puts an individual company's survival at risk. 波动性增强将单个企业的生存置于风险之下. 期刊摘选 It is increases the chances of survival and reduces the of danger brain damage. 它可以增加存活会和减少对脑部损伤的机会. 期刊摘选 Megatron: Strong Survival ability; Less idealistic of humanity. 威震天: 生存能力超强; 实干而不理想化. 期刊摘选 The arrival of this South American predator threatened the survival of native species. 这种南美肉食动物的到来威胁到了当地物种的生存. 《简明英汉词典》 The old man was a survival of a past age. 这位老人是上一代的遗老. 《简明英汉词典》 We all have a strong survival instinct. 每个人都有强烈的求生本能. 《简明英汉词典》 With the changes in the world's climate, dinosaurs died, but many smaller animals lived on. It was the survival of the fittest. 随着世界气候的变迁, 恐龙绝迹了, 但许多较小的动物却继续活了下来. 这就是适者生存. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 Human beings are infinitely flexible and able to adjust when survival depends on it. 人类的适应能力是无穷尽的,为了生存可以适应任何环境. 《简明英汉词典》 Commercial exploitation of resources threatens our survival. 开发自然资源作商业用途威胁我们的生活. 《简明英汉词典》 The campaign will hopefully ensure the survival of the tiger. 这场运动有望确保老虎的生存. 《简明英汉词典》 They are still fighting for survival. 他们还在为生存而斗争. 《简明英汉词典》 Pragmatically, MTV's survival depends on selling the youth market to advertisers. 从务实角度来说,音乐电视网的生存依赖于把年轻人市场卖给广告商。 柯林斯例句 As regards commercial survival, a car manufacturer capable of making only 50,000 cars a year is on a hiding to nothing. 谈到商业生存,一个年产只有5万辆的汽车制造厂家是毫无成功希望的。 柯林斯例句 If cancers are spotted early, there's a high chance of survival. 如果癌症在早期发现的话,存活的几率会很高。 柯林斯例句 Almost all young women who turn to prostitution do so as a means of survival. 几乎所有从事卖淫的年轻女孩走这条路都是为了生存。 柯林斯例句 Providing they do not panic, I believe that their chances of survival will be beyond 95 per cent. 如果他们不慌乱,我相信他们生还的概率将在95%以上。 柯林斯例句 They may hate what he does but their survival depends on him. 他们或许讨厌他的营生,但他们要想活下来必须依靠他。 柯林斯例句 I dare to hope that your heart will be touched by the tidings of my survival. 我奢望你在听到我还活着的消息时心情会很激动。 柯林斯例句 Yesterday's meeting was intended to plot a survival strategy for the party. 昨天的会议旨在制订使该党能够继续存在下去的策略。 柯林斯例句 真题例句Everybody needs some sleep for survival. 出自-2014年6月听力原文 After World War Ⅱ, the academic world turned with new enthusiasm to humanistic studies, which seemed to many scholars the best way to ensure the survival of democracy. 出自-2010年12月阅读原文 Another challenge to language survival is television. 2016年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section B Creating this sanctuary is a bold move that the people of Palau recognize as essential to our survival. 2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A Even though Spooner screams "Save her! Save her!", the robot rescues him because it calculates that he has a 45 percent chance of survival compared to Sarah's 11 percent. 2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C The experiment highlights the importance of morality: without it, how can a robot decide whom to save or what's best for humanity, especially if it can't calculate survival odds? 2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C Being better at those things meant a greater chance of survival. 2016年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文 Determining where we are in relation to our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survival. 2017年高考英语江苏卷 单项填空 原文 Experts say Paris is right: for a sudden heart failure, the single best chance for survival is having someone nearby step in and do CPR quickly. 2017年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文 He had often watched Grylls' survival show Man vs. Wild. 2015年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文 He thought about all the survival shows he had watched on TV. 2015年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文 I guess the answer is, we were fighting for survival, protecting and providing for those we loved. 2015年高考英语天津卷 阅读表达 原文 In fact, they were shot from 1914 through 1916, most of them after a disastrous shipwreck, by a cameraman who had no reasonable expectation of survival. 2016年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读D 原文 Luck plays a vital role in Judy's survival. 2015年高考英语陕西卷 阅读理解 阅读B 选项 Rideout's team thinks that the California condors' average survival time in the wild is now just under eight years. 2016年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文 The average survival time of condors is satisfactory. 2016年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读C 选项 Trainees also get a good start on their wilderness survival badge as they learn about water-and land-survival through designed tasks and their search and rescue of "downed " pilot. 2018年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文 Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain. 2017年高考英语全国卷1 阅读理解 阅读B 原文 Legislation is moving through the House that would save USPS an estimated $286 billion over five years, which could help pay for new vehicles, among other survival measures. 出自-2018年考研阅读原文 He argued that human evolution was characterized by a struggle he called the "survival of the fittest", in which weaker races and societies must eventually be replaced by stronger, more advanced races and societies. 2009年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ Legislation is moving through the House that would save USPS an estimated $28.6 billion over five years, which could help pay for new vehicles, among other survival measures. 2018年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ 英英释义Noun1. a state of surviving; remaining alive2. a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment3. something that survives
词根词缀后缀: -al 1. 表名词"人,物,状态"; 2. 地方; 3. 表形容词,"……的" adj.mural 墙壁的 mur墙壁+al人,物,状态→adj.墙壁的 n.壁画 rival 竞争的riv=river+al人,物,状态→竞争 affectional 情感上的,爱情的affection爱;感情+al……的→adj.情感上的,爱情的 agricultural 农业的,农艺的agriculture农业+al……的→adj.农业的,农艺的 clinical 临床的,病房用的clinic临床+al……的→adj.临床的,病房用的 congenital [病等]先天的,天生的con共同+gen出生+it+al……的→与生俱来 continental 大陆的,大陆性的continent大陆+al……的→adj.大陆的,大陆性的 continual 连续的,频繁的,持续不断的continue连续+al……的→adj.连续的,频繁的,持续不断的 criminal 犯罪的,刑事的crime罪行+in+al……的→criminal犯罪的,刑事的 cultural 文化的culture文化+al……的→adj.文化的 cynical 愤世嫉俗的cynic愤世嫉俗者+al……的→adj.愤世嫉俗的 detrimental 损害的,造成伤害的detriment磨擦+al……的→adj.损害的,造成伤害的 economical 节约的,经济的economic经济的+al……的→adj.节约的,经济的 educational 教育的;有教育意义的education教育+al……的→adj.教育的;有教育意义的 emotional 情绪的,情感的emotion情绪+al……的→adj.情绪的,情感的 exceptional 例外的,异常的exception例外+al……的→adj.例外的,异常的 fictional 虚构的,小说式的,编造的fiction虚构,编造+al……的→adj.虚构的,小说式的,编造的 horizontal 地平线的,水平的horizon地平线+tal=al……的→adj.地平线的,水平的 incidental 附带的,伴随的,非主要的,偶然的,容易发生的 incident偶然事件+al……的→附带的,偶然的 marginal 记在页边的,边缘的,边际的margin页边,边缘+al……的→adj.记在页边的,边缘的,边际的 mechanical 机械的;呆板的mechanic技工,机修工+al……的→adj. 机械的;呆板的 memorial 记念的,记忆的memory记忆+al……的→memorial记念的 national 国家的,国立[有]的,民族的nation民族,国家+al……的→adj.国家的,国立[有]的,民族的 natural 自然的,自然界的,关于自然界的,天生的nature自然界,大自然;天性+al……的→adj.自然的,自然界的,关于自然界的,天生的 occasional 偶然的,非经常的,特殊场合的,临时的occasion发生+al……的→adj.偶然的,非经常的,特殊场合的,临时的 pastoral 田园生活的,宁静的pastor牧人,牧师+al……的→adj.田园生活的,宁静的 personal 个人的,私人的;亲自的;身体的,人身的person人+al……的→adj.个人的,私人的;亲自的;身体的,人身的 regional 地区的,区域的region地区+al……的→adj.地区的,区域的 rural 乡下的,田园的,乡村风味的rur农村+al……的→adj.乡下的,田园的,乡村风味的 systematical 组织性的,系统的systematic系统的+al……的→adj.组织性的,系统的 traditional 传统的,惯例的tradition传统; 惯例+al……的→adj.传统的,惯例的 conditional 条件的,带有条件的condition条件,状况+al……的→adj.条件的,带有条件的 adj.&n.aboriginal 原始居民[的],土著[的]ab加强+origin起源+al人,物,状态→起源而来→原始的 n.appraisal 对……作出的评价;评价,鉴定,评估appraise评价+al人,物,状态→appraise名词 arsenal 兵工厂, 军械库arsen军火+al人,物,状态→n.兵工厂, 军械库 cereal 加工而成的谷类食物;谷类植物,谷物cere谷+al人,物,状态→n.加工而成的谷类食物;谷类植物,谷物 criminal 罪犯,刑事犯crime罪行+in+al人,物,状态→criminal罪犯,刑事犯 dismissal 解雇,免职,开除dismiss解雇+al人,物,状态→n.解雇,免职,开除 hospital 医院hospit客人+al地方→接待病客之地 memorial 纪念物,纪念馆memory记忆+al人,物,状态→memorial纪念物 mural 壁画mur墙壁+al人,物,状态→adj.墙壁的 n.壁画 refusal 拒绝,回绝refuse拒绝+al人,物,状态→n.拒绝,回绝 rival 竞争者,对手 riv=river+al人,物,状态→竞争 survival 幸存,生存survive幸免于+al人,物,状态→经过事故活着→幸存 withdrawal 撤退,取款withdraw撤销+al人,物,状态→n.撤退,取款 incidental 伴随事件incident偶然事件+al……的→附带的,偶然的 v.rival 竞争,对抗 riv=river+al人,物,状态→竞争
前缀: sur- 1. 等在同辅音词根前表示"在下面;随后"; 2. 表示"超过,在……上面" adj.surreptitious 鬼鬼崇崇的sur在下面;随后+rept爬+itious……的→在下面爬→鬼鬼崇崇的 surplus 多余的sur超过,在……上面+plus多余;加→多出很多 n.surrender 投降,认输sur在下面;随后+render给予→把[枪]放下去→投降 surrounding 环境surround[v.包围]+ing表名词→被围起来的状态→环境 surcharge 附加费sur超过,在……上面+charge费用→额外的收费→附加费 surface 表面sur超过,在……上面+face脸面→n.表面 surrealism 超现实主义sur超过,在……上面+realism现实主义→n.超现实主义 surtax 附加税sur超过,在……上面+tax税→n.附加税 surveillance 临视;看守sur超过,在……上面+veil面纱+lance→在面纱上看[隔了一层纱]看→临视 survival 幸存,生存sur超过,在……上面+viv生命+al表名词→经过事故活着→幸存 v.surrender 投降,屈服 sur在下面;随后+render给予→把[枪]放下去→投降 surround 包围sur在下面;随后+round圆圈→在下面围一圈 surmount 登上,超越sur超过,在……上面+mount山→在山上→登上 surpass 超过sur超过,在……上面+pass通过→在上面通过→超越
词根: viv =life,表示"生命" adj.convivial 欢乐的,狂欢的con共同+viv生命+ial……的→共同活跃的→欢乐的 viable 可行的,能活下去的vi=viv生命+able能……的→adj.可行的,能活下去的 vivacious 活泼的,快活的viv生命+acious多……的→多生命的→活泼的 vivid 鲜艳的;生动的,栩栩如生的viv生命+id……的→adj.鲜艳的;生动的,栩栩如生的 n.revival 复苏,再生revive[v.恢复;[使]复苏]+al表名词→n.复苏,再生 survival 幸存,生存survive幸免于+al状态→经过事故活着→幸存 v.revive 恢复;[使]复苏re再[恢复]+viv生命+e→再活→复活 survive 幸免于,幸存;比…长命sur超过+viv生命+e→活下来了→幸免于 vivisect 活体解剖 vivi=viv生命+sect切割→活着切割
词组搭配survival of the fittest(Biology)the continued existence of organisms which are best adapted to their environment, with the extinction of others, as a concept in the Darwinian theory of evolution (生)(达尔文进化论中的)适者生存。 比较natural selection