International gold prices average short - term bond, Straddle the two sides deadlocked.
国际金价 短期 均线粘合, 多空双方胶着.
Inter - bank market within 3 years of non - credIt'short - term bond yields to decline further.
银行间市场3年以内的 非 信用 短期 债券收益率进一步下降.
A rise in long - term bond yields could indicate a belief that inflation is set to soar.
长期 债券的收益率的上涨暗示了市场对于通胀加剧的看法.
Discount note: Note ( i . e . short - or medium - term bond ) issued at a discount from its face value.
贴现票据: 指按面值折扣发行的票据 ( 即 短期 或 中期 的债券 ).
But this bank possibly sells short - term bond concrete digit, but also not yet decided.
而该银行可能出售的 短期 债券的具体数字, 还尚未决定.