The Qinghai - Tibet Plateau is the world's highest plateau, averaging over 4000 metres above sea level and covering an area of 200,000 square kilometres.
中国的 青藏 高原是世界最高的高原.平均高度在海拔4000米以上,面积达20万平方公里.
What grass and trees are well adapted to Qinghai - Tibet Plateau?
Eastping xiang combination is located in the Qinghai - Tibet Plateau and the Loess Plateau area.
东坪乡地处 青藏 高原与黄土高原结合地带.
Qinghai - Tibet plateau is the most sensitive and driving active area to the global environments.
青藏 高原是全球环境最具有敏感和驱动作用的地区.
China's territory includes numerous lakes, most of which are the Middle - Lower Yangtze Plain and the - Tibet Plateau.
中国境内湖泊众多, 长江中下游地区和 青藏 高原是湖泊最多的两个地区.
The result suggests that the Himalayas and the Qinghai - Tibet Plateau will not move up indefinitely.
这一结果表明,喜马拉雅山和 青藏 高原不会继续不断升高.