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实用场景例句During the years following World War I, Germany heaped honors upon Einstein. 一战结束后的几年里, 德国人给了他很多荣誉. 英汉非文学 - 科学史 After World War I, Piaget became interested in psycho - analysis. 一战后, 皮雅杰开始对心理分析发生了兴趣. 互联网 Guide dogs were first trained after World War I when many soldiers returned home sightless. 一战之后许多士兵由于失去视力而返回家园,这时候开始了对导盲犬的训练. 互联网 It became independent after World War I but was annexed by the U.S.S.R. in 1940. 于一次大战后独立,但是1940年并入苏联版图. 互联网 After World War I, this movement took off, aided by the shortage of French manpower. 一战之后, 俭学会正式发展起来, 其辅助原因只是是法国人力的缺乏. 互联网 Aircraft in a variety of shapes took to the air after World War I. 一战后,各种形状的飞机飞上天空. 互联网 Part three analyzes Liang Qichao's lexical diplomatic advocates in World War I Period. " 第三部分主要分析了一战时期 梁启超 灵活的外交主张. 互联网 Soon after the end of World War I, Bessie Coleman left for France. 很快,在一战结束后, 贝西离开法国. 互联网 Austria - Hungary enters an armistice with the World War I Allies, and the Habsburg - ruled empire dissolves. 奥 匈 帝国与一战同盟国休战, 哈普斯堡皇室控制的帝国瓦解. 互联网 He also served under General Pershing in the trenches in France during World War I. 一次大战期间,他也曾在潘兴将军手下战斗在法国战场上. 互联网 World War I aftermath: - The final Locarno Treaty is signed in London, establshing post - war territorial settlements. 1925年,一战战后: 洛迦诺公约正式在伦敦签署, 确认了战后的领土划分. 互联网 After the World War I, Croatia created a union with Serbia that formed Yugoslavia. 战后, 克罗地亚同塞尔维亚组成了南斯拉夫. 互联网 英英释义Noun1. a war between the allies (Russia, France, British Empire, Italy, United States, Japan, Rumania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro) and the central powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria) from 1914 to 1918