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实用场景例句...his milky-white innocent visage. 他白嫩无邪的面孔 柯林斯高阶英语词典 You must picture Mr. Thomas Marvel as a person of copious, flexible visage. 我们必须把汤姆斯?马弗尔先生想象作一个脸颊多肉而松驰的人. 辞典例句 The metal layer was described in distributing, thickness and visage by the method of EPMA. 利用电子探针分析了在不同条件下,环氧树脂表面所沉积的金属层的形貌 、 表面成分和金属沉积层厚度. 期刊摘选 A happy heart makes a blooming visage. 心中快乐,容光焕发. 期刊摘选 Et le num é ro 2? Elle a un joli visage , et une taille manifique. 那2号 呢 ?她长得很漂亮, 身材也好. 期刊摘选 Her pose so pretty , making galaxies crumble , ho , her visage so stunning , making universe collapse. 实有倾汉之态兮有倾宙之貌﹒. 期刊摘选 She is always wimpled that no man can see her visage. 她总是用包头巾围包著,没有任何男人能看见她的容貌. 期刊摘选 The strong and darkly handsome visage was gaunt and haggard. 那张孔武黝黑的英俊面孔相当的疲惫憔悴. 期刊摘选 Their visage, too, is peculiar. 他们的面貌也很奇特. 辞典例句 He was withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage. 此人身子枯瘦, 满脸皱纹, 面目可憎. 期刊摘选 The maniac bellowed; she parted her shaggy locks form visage, and gazed wildly at her visitors. 疯子吼叫起来. 她把浓密蓬乱的卷发从脸上分开, 狂野地瞪着她的客人. 期刊摘选 The town has a desolate visage. 这个镇子呈现出一片荒凉. 《简明英汉词典》 Through context analysis, she presents the basic visage of various narration as well as its characteristics. 通过文本分析, 呈现出这一题材作品叙事丰富多样化的基本面貌,分析其叙事的特点. 期刊摘选 To conceal his disfigured visage , Sidious returned to his simple Sith robes. 为了遮掩自己扭曲的面容,西迪厄斯重新穿起古朴的西斯长袍. 期刊摘选 A blithe heart makes a blooming visage. 人逢喜事精神爽. 《简明英汉词典》 It was the visage of a demon who has just found his damned soul. 这是一副找到了冤家的魔鬼面孔. 期刊摘选 His visage is a fine and venerable one. 他的容貌很漂亮,很可敬. 辞典例句 Even on his visage it would have been impossible to distinguish anything with certainty. 即使是从他的面色上,我们肯定不能分辨出什么来. 期刊摘选 Pour que je vois votre visage. 他:为了能看到您的脸庞. 期刊摘选 Jack gets blushed at once as if his visage is paled with piece red cloth. 杰克登时感到脸上一阵发热,好像蒙上一块红布. 期刊摘选 What visage ought a healthy , vital youthful generation to present? 青春该有一张什麽脸? 期刊摘选 This visage no mere veneer of vanity , is a vestige of vox populi now vacant vanished. 这面孔不单是虚无的外表, 它还是业已不再的人民呼声的残响. 期刊摘选 China has emerged with a new visage in the East. 中国以新的面貌出现在世界的东方. 期刊摘选 This visage, no mere veneer of vanity a vestige of the vox populi now vacant, vanished. 这个面貌, 只是为了粉饰虚荣残余痕迹,不得不带上它,不得不昼伏夜出, 不见天日. 期刊摘选 He was small in stature a furrowed visage , which, as yet, could hardly be termed aged. 他身材矮小,满脆皱纹, 不过还很难说年事已高. 期刊摘选 Upon hearing of this additional expense, Misery's long visage appeared to become several inches longer. 一听到还需要额外费用, 瘟神的长脸马上又拉长了好几英寸. 辞典例句 She has a smiling visage. 她有一张笑吟吟的脸. 辞典例句 In the image visage of a noble Christ, humble yet stern in demeanor. 在景象里,我看到了基督尊贵的脸孔,举止谦卑但坚定. 期刊摘选 Give me a case to put my visage in : A visor for a visor! 给我一个面具,让我把我的尊容藏起来;嗳哟,好难看的鬼脸! 期刊摘选 英英释义Noun1. the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British)2. the appearance conveyed by a person's face;"a pleasant countenance" "a stern visage"
词根词缀后缀: -age 1. 名词或动词后缀,表示"状态,总称"; 2. [做的]状态,过程; 3. 名词后缀,表示"费用"; 4. 名词后缀,表示"场所,物品" n.damage 损害,伤害dam+age状态,总称→n.损害,伤害 carriage 运费carry携带,运送+age费用→carriage运费 postage 邮资post邮件+age费用→n.邮资 railage 铁路运输,铁路运费rail铁路+age费用→n.铁路运输,铁路运费 towage 拖[船,车]费tow拖+age费用→n.拖[船,车]费 waterage 水路运输,水运费water水+age费用→n.水路运输,水运费 anchorage 停泊地点;抛锚地点anchor铁锚+age场所,物品→n.停泊地点;抛锚地点 appendage 附加物append附加+age表示名词→n.附加物 beverage [水,酒等之外的]饮料bever饮,喝+age场所,物品→n.[水,酒等之外的]饮料 cottage 村舍,小屋,别墅cot小床,小屋+age场所→cottage村舍,小屋 heritage 遗产,继承物;传统herit继承+age场所,物品→n.遗产,继承物;传统 hermitage 隐居处hermit隐居士+age场所,物品→n.隐居处 luggage 行李,皮箱lug拖拉+age物品→需要拖运的物品→luggage行李,皮箱 village 村,村庄vill茅屋+age场所,物品→n.村,村庄 wreckage 残骸,碎片wreck残骸+age场所,物品→n.残骸,碎片 advantage 优点,长处,有利条件;利益,好处ad+vant=van前卫,先锋+age状态,总称→n.优点,长处,有利条件;利益,好处 dotage 老年糊涂,溺爱dot打点,打盹+age状态,总称→n.老年糊涂,溺爱 drainage 排水;下水道drain排干+age状态,总称→n.排水;下水道 foliage 叶子[总称]foli叶+age状态,总称→n.叶子[总称] marriage 结婚,婚姻;结婚仪式marry结婚+age状态,总称→marriage mileage 里程mile英里+age状态,总称→n.里程 patronage 赞助,惠顾patron赞助人+age状态,总称→n.赞助,惠顾 percentage 百分率percent百分比+age状态,总称→n.百分率 pilgrimage 朝圣pilgrim朝圣+age状态,总称→n.朝圣 shortage 不足,缺乏short短+age状态,总称→n.不足,缺乏 tonnage 吨位,吨数ton吨+age状态,总称→tonnage吨位 verbiage 罗嗦,冗长verbi=verb词语+age状态,总称→词的状态→冗长 visage 脸,面貌vis看+age状态,总称→n.脸,面貌 n.&v.pillage 抢劫,掠夺pill抢夺+age状态,总称→n.&v.抢劫,掠夺 v.envisage 想象,设想,展望,正视en进入+vis看+age[做的]状态→进入看的状态