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vocationCET4/CET6/考研/GRE/TOEFL - 英?[v???ke??n]
- 美?[vo??ke??n]
实用场景例句Nursing is not just a job─it's a vocation. 护理不仅仅是一项工作,而且还是一种职业。 牛津词典 She believes that she has found her true vocation in life. 她相信自己找到了真正适合自己的生活方式。 牛津词典 You missed your vocation─you should have been an actor. 你干错行了,你本该当演员。 牛津词典 He has a vocation for teaching. 他是教书的材料。 牛津词典 She is a doctor with a strong sense of vocation. 她是一位具有强烈使命感的医生。 牛津词典 a vocation to the priesthood 司铎圣召 牛津词典 It could well be that he has a real vocation... 很可能他是找到了自己真正的使命。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Diana was a young mission school teacher convinced of her vocation to provide support for her schoolgirl pupils. 黛安娜是教会学校的一名年轻老师,她深信帮助学校的女学生是其天职。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Her vocation is her work as an actress... 她的职业就是当演员。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 She has no vocation for teaching. 她不是当老师的料。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 We can say on nowise the ground, the social every vocation is already inseparable with software. 我们可以毫不夸张地说, 社会各行各业都与软件已经密不可分. 期刊摘选 She struggled for years to find her true vocation. 她多年来苦苦寻找真正适合自己的职业. 《简明英汉词典》 Indicate the name of the employment, office, trade, profession or vocation. 填报有关聘任 、 职位 、 行业 、 专业工作或职业的名称. 期刊摘选 People may really have in them some vocation which is not quite plain to themselves. 人们可能都有自己的天赋,只是他们本人还不太清楚. 期刊摘选 She felt it was her vocation to minister to the sick. 她觉得照料病人是她的天职. 《简明英汉词典》 Even if we could have taken the vacation, but we mightn't have wanted to. 即使我们可以休假, 我们也可能不去休呢. 期刊摘选 You should be an actor you've missed your vocation, ie you are following the wrong career. 你应该当演员 -- 你入错行了. 期刊摘选 What are Jim and Jack doing in this autumn vacation? 吉姆和杰克计划这个秋假做什么 ? 期刊摘选 It became urgent that I should have a vocation of some kind. 我要找个什么职业,这已经是迫不急待的事了. 辞典例句 Government and vocation are the key points in outdoor advertising administration , but ofare lack of responsibility. 政府和行业组织是户外广告管理中的关键因素, 然而角色缺失必须重视. 期刊摘选 Although a physician by vocation, he is a botanist by avocation. 虽然他的职业是医生, 却又是一个业余的植物学家. 期刊摘选 To be engaged in ( a vocation or hobby, for example ). 从事 ( 例如,一种职业或爱好 ) 期刊摘选 She feels that she missed her vocation by not working with children. 她觉得自己没有从事跟小孩子打交道的工作是入错了行. 《简明英汉词典》 Make authorship your avocation, not your vocation. 把写作当作你的副业, 不要把它当作正业. 《简明英汉词典》 Career psychological guidance, which is different from traditional vocation psychological guidance. 生涯心理辅导不同于传统的职业心理辅导. 期刊摘选 His deformity totally disabled him from following his vocation. 他的残疾使他完全失去了从事他的职业的能力. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 You will not make a good teacher, unless you feel teaching is your vocation. 除非你觉得教书是你的天职,否则你不会成为一位好老师. 期刊摘选 This a good day for practical ideas and planning about your work or vocation. 这是个适合实际想法和计划工作或度假的好日子. 期刊摘选 Isn't marriage your vocation? 难道出嫁不是你的本分 吗 ? 期刊摘选 He found his vocation in ornithology. 他发现自己适于专攻鸟类学. 《简明英汉词典》 真题例句piaget argued that attaining and accepting a vocation is one of the best ways to modify idealized views and to mature. 2016年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A 英英释义Noun1. the particular occupation for which you are trained2. a body of people doing the same kind of work
词根词缀词根: voc =call/voice,表示"出声,叫喊,看" adj.equivocal 意义含糊的,不直率的equi平等+vocal[adj.声音的;有声的;歌唱的]→两种声音的,听不清楚的→意义含糊的 irrevocable 不可取消的ir不+revocable可取消的→adj.不可取消的 vociferous 喧哗的,大叫大嚷的voci=voc出声,叫喊,看+fer带来+ous……的→带来声音的→喧闹的 n.advocator 拥护者, 提倡者advocate拥护+or人→n.拥护者, 提倡者 avocation 副业,嗜好a不+vocation职业→不是职业,副业 vocable [无义]词, 词外壳voc出声,叫喊,看+able能……的→能发出声的→词 vocabulary 词汇,词汇量;词汇表vocabul=vocable[n.[无义]词, 词外壳]+ary表名词→n.词汇,词汇量;词汇表 vocal 元音;声乐作品voc出声,叫喊,看+al表名词→n.元音;声乐作品 vocalist 流行歌手,声乐家vocal[adj.声音的;有声的;歌唱的]+ist人→n.流行歌手,声乐家 vocation 职业;召唤;天命;天职;才能voc出声,叫喊,看+ation表名词→[受到]召唤→天职;职业 vowel 元音;元音字母vow=voc出声,叫喊,看+el表名词→n.元音;元音字母 convocation 召集,会议con共同+voc出声,叫喊,看+ation表名词→n.召集,会议 v.advocate 拥护,提倡ad加强+voc出声,叫喊,看+ate表动词→增强声音→拥护 equivocate 模棱两可地,支吾其词equi平等+voc出声,叫喊,看+ate表动词→两种声音听不清楚→支吾其词
同义词辨析profession, job, occupation, trade, vocation, career, work, employment这些名词均含"职业"之意。 profession: 以前常指要受过高等教育(尤指法律、医学和神学)才能获得的职业,现在一般指为谋生日的职业,尤指从事脑力劳动和受过专门训练,具有某种专业知识的职业。job: 通常指一切有收入,不分脑力与体力运动,不论是否有技艺的长期或临时的职业。occupation: 泛指任何一种职业,既不分什么行业,也不管是脑力还是体力劳动。trade: 指需要有熟练技巧、技能和体力的职业。vocation: 较正式用词,语气庄重,指长期从事,但不一定以此为主计的职业。career: 指经过专门训练,终身愿意从事的职业。work: 指任何种类的工作,也泛指职业。employment: 指受雇于他人,领取工资以谋生计,有较固定工作的职业。