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实用场景例句Evelyn was very voluble on the subject of women's rights. 伊夫林谈起女权这个话题口若悬河。 牛津词典 voluble protests 振振有词的抗议 牛津词典 She was voluble with excitement... 她由于激动变得很健谈。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Bert is a voluble, gregarious man. 伯特是个能说会道、善于交际的人。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The new comer in our company is voluble. 我们公司新来的同事很健谈. 期刊摘选 In such a voluble way, Collins unfolds his Beijing life to me. 在这样的滔滔不绝中, 柯林斯向我展开了他的北京生活. 期刊摘选 The Englishman broke into voluble and perfect Italian. 那个英国人突然讲起流利而纯正的意大利语来. 期刊摘选 He has been voluble to the point of suffocation, then quiet as the Jordan. 他滔滔不绝直到把自个儿憋得透不过气来, 随后又像约旦河一样沉默无语. 期刊摘选 Her niece, an extremely voluble young woman, engages in soliloquies, not conversations. 她的侄女是一个极其善谈、说起话来滔滔不绝的年轻妇人, 她总是在独白, 而不是对话. 期刊摘选 He carried the others off their feet, glib, dexterous, voluble. 他叫大家发起狂来,讲得口若悬河, 伶俐乖巧, 滔滔不绝. 辞典例句 And that was the vicious and voluble end of the seven young parrots. 其余六只鹦鹉也饥饿之极,也想得到这颗樱桃——于是,七只鹦鹉开始了一场厮打. 期刊摘选 Her explanations for failure to do the work were voluble but not easily believed. 她对工作失败的解释口若悬河,但不易为人相信. 期刊摘选 She is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in soliloquies not conversations. 她是一位聪明绝顶的年轻女子,知道自身的价值并为此感到骄傲. 期刊摘选 He voluble to the point of suffocation, then quiet as the Jordan. 他滔滔不绝直到把自个儿憋得透不过气来, 随后又像约旦河相同沉默无语. 期刊摘选 " There is no better, " the voluble Vengeance protested in her shrill notes, " in France. " “ 在法国没有比他更优秀的了, ” 口若悬河的复仇女神尖声尖气地肯定. 英汉文学 - 双城记 Pompiou replaced the voluble Foreign Minister Maurice Schumann. 蓬皮杜撤掉了能言善辩的外交部长莫里斯·舒曼. 辞典例句 He became very voluble and told her everything. 他变得滔滔不绝,把一切都告诉了她. 《简明英汉词典》 He is too voluble; he discusses his emotions. 他太好讲话, 爱谈自己的心情. 辞典例句 Bert is a voluble, gregarious man. 伯特是个能说会道、善于交际的人。 辞典例句 Evelyn was very voluble on the subject of women's rights. 伊夫林谈起女权这个话题口若悬河。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 She was voluble with excitement. 她由于激动变得很健谈。 柯林斯例句 词根词缀词根: volu =roll/turn,表示"转,卷" adj.evolutionism 进化论的evolution[n.进化,演变,发展,进展]+ism学术流派→n.进化论 adj.进化论的 voluble 爱说话的, 有口才的, 流利的, 健谈的, [罕]易旋转的, 缠绕的volu转,卷+ble→[舌头]能自由转动 voluminous 长篇的,多产的,庞大的volume卷,册+inous多……的→多卷[册]的→长篇的 n.evolution 进化,演变,发展,进展evolu=evolve[v.[使]发展;[使]进化;[使]进展]+tion表名词→n.进化,演变,发展,进展 evolutionism 进化论 evolution[n.进化,演变,发展,进展]+ism学术流派→n.进化论 adj.进化论的 revolution 革命;旋转,转数re回,翻+volu转,卷+tion表名词→转翻→革命 volubility 健谈,流畅volu转,卷+bility=ability能……→舌头能转动 volume 容积,体积;卷,册;音量volu转,卷+me→卷→一卷书[古时的书籍成卷形] volute 涡形;螺旋形;涡螺壳volu转,卷+te→n. 涡形;螺旋形;涡螺壳