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volume高中/CET4/CET6/考研/TOEFL/IELTS 实用场景例句How do you measure the volume of a gas? 你如何计量气体的体积? 牛津词典 jars of different volumes 不同容量的罐子 牛津词典 the sheer volume (= large amount) of business 大量业务 牛津词典 This work has grown in volume recently. 这项工作的量最近增加了。 牛津词典 New roads are being built to cope with the increased volume of traffic. 正在修建新的道路以应付增加了的交通量。 牛津词典 Sales volumes fell 0.2% in June. 六月份的销售额下降了0.2%。 牛津词典 to turn the volume up/down 把音量调大 / 小 牛津词典 an encyclopedia in 20 volumes 一套20卷的百科全书 牛津词典 a library of over 50 000 volumes 藏书5万多册的图书馆 牛津词典 a slim volume of poetry 薄薄的一本诗集 牛津词典 ‘New Scientist ’ volume 142, number 3 《新科学家》第142卷第3期 牛津词典 Senior officials will be discussing how the volume of sales might be reduced. 高层领导将要讨论销售量如何削减。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...the sheer volume of traffic and accidents. 交通流量之大、事故之多 柯林斯高阶英语词典 It is 2,300 metres above sea level, so a given volume of air contains only about one-third as much oxygen as it would at sea level... 这是在海拔2,300米的高空,因此一定体积空气的含氧量只有海平面处的约1/3。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 When egg whites are beaten they can rise to seven or eight times their original volume. 蛋清打散后,体积可增至原来的七八倍。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...a 125-page volume. 一本125页的书 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...the first volume of his autobiography. 他自传的第一卷 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...bound volumes of the magazine. 杂志的合订本 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He turned down the volume... 他调低了音量。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He came to complain about the volume of the music. 他过来抱怨音乐的音量太高了。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 What you wear speaks volumes about you... 你的衣着能传递很多关于你的信息。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Their absence spoke volumes. 他们的缺席已经充分说明了问题。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The flood cut the townspeople off from the rest of the world. 洪水割断了该镇居民与外界的联系. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 The companion volume will soon be published. 这卷书的姊妹篇即将问世. 《简明英汉词典》 Up to now, I've read as far as the fifth chapter, the second volume of " The War and Peace ". 到今天, 我已经读到 《 战争与和平 》 的第2卷第5章了. 《简明英汉词典》 At present, the safe volume of blood substitute is limited to 500 to 1,000 milliliters. 目前, 血液替代品的安全使用体积被限制在500-1000毫升. 《简明英汉词典》 This volume records the history of the country's revolution. 这卷书记载了这个国家的革命历史. 《简明英汉词典》 That volume is still in print. 那册书还能买到. 《简明英汉词典》 Pressure varies directly with temperature and inversely with volume. 压力随温度成正比例变化,与容积成反比例变化. 《简明英汉词典》 真题例句W : We mainly deal with large volume buyers from western countries and our products have been well received. 出自-2013年12月听力原文 Medical spending, which typically rises faster than wages and the overall economy, is propelled by two things: the high prices charged for medical services in this country and the volume of unnecessary care delivered by doctors and hospitals, which often perform a lot more tests and treatments than a patient really needs. 出自-2016年6月阅读原文 The rising volume of trade –?more goods and services shuttling in and out of the United States?–?is good news for many sectors. 出自-2011年12月阅读原文 Who particularly benefit from the rising volume of trade 出自-2011年12月阅读原文 So far, Google has scanned more than 10 million titles from libraries in?America and Europe?-?including half a million volumes held by the Bodleian in Oxford. 出自-2011年12月阅读原文 To increase the volume and the speed with which we move natural resources through the consumer economy to the junk pile or the waste heap. 出自-2013年12月听力原文 At any volume, there's still such a thing as too much information. 2017年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A Best Buy, for instance, has been bearing the lion's share of e-waste volume since two of its largest competitors, Amazon and Wal-mart, do not have their own recycling programs. 2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B Medical spending, which typically rises faster than wages and the overall economy, is propelled by two things: the high prices charged for medical services in this country and the volume of unnecessary care delivered by doctors and hospitals, which often 2016年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B TV Ears has helped thousands of people with various degrees of hearing loss hear the television clearly without turning up the volume. 2015年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文 95 knit miniskirt in all its 2,300-pius stores around the world, it must rely on low-wage overseas labor, order in volumes that strain natural resources, and use massive amounts of harmful chemicals. 出自-2013年考研阅读原文 Beethoven’s habit of increasing the volume with an extreme intensity and then abruptly following it with a sudden soft passage was only rarely used by composers before him. 出自-2014年考研翻译原文 英英释义Noun1. the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object;"the gas expanded to twice its original volume" 2. the property of something that is great in magnitude;"it is cheaper to buy it in bulk" "he received a mass of correspondence" "the volume of exports" 3. physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together;"he used a large book as a doorstop" 4. a publication that is one of a set of several similar publications;"the third volume was missing" "he asked for the 1989 volume of the Annual Review" 5. a relative amount;"mix one volume of the solution with ten volumes of water" 6. the magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction);"the kids played their music at full volume"
词根词缀词根: volu =roll/turn,表示"转,卷" adj.evolutionism 进化论的evolution[n.进化,演变,发展,进展]+ism学术流派→n.进化论 adj.进化论的 voluble 爱说话的, 有口才的, 流利的, 健谈的, [罕]易旋转的, 缠绕的volu转,卷+ble→[舌头]能自由转动 voluminous 长篇的,多产的,庞大的volume卷,册+inous多……的→多卷[册]的→长篇的 n.evolution 进化,演变,发展,进展evolu=evolve[v.[使]发展;[使]进化;[使]进展]+tion表名词→n.进化,演变,发展,进展 evolutionism 进化论 evolution[n.进化,演变,发展,进展]+ism学术流派→n.进化论 adj.进化论的 revolution 革命;旋转,转数re回,翻+volu转,卷+tion表名词→转翻→革命 volubility 健谈,流畅volu转,卷+bility=ability能……→舌头能转动 volume 容积,体积;卷,册;音量volu转,卷+me→卷→一卷书[古时的书籍成卷形] volute 涡形;螺旋形;涡螺壳volu转,卷+te→n. 涡形;螺旋形;涡螺壳
同义词n.体积;容积;量;额proportionamountcapacitycontentquantitymeasureextent n.卷,册;书籍bookpublicationwritingwork 其他释义widthbreadthmountainstoragemuchmagnitudedimensionsmeasurementmassweightplentyeditionextension 行业词典公路科技运量??? 医学容量,容积,体积??? 数学体积??? 旅游音量??? 物理学体积??? 电力体积??? 铁道音量???