Asarinin could also decrease the level of ICAM - 1 and VCAM - 1 in the allografts.
CsA组 、细辛脂素组和混合药物组移植心局部ICAM -1 和VCAM -1 含量较阳性对照组明显减少.
Conclusion VCAM - 1 may play an important role in the occurrence, development and metastasis of colon cancer.
结论结肠癌组织中VCAM -1 处于过度表达状态,与结肠癌的发生 、 发展和转移密切相关.
In B 3 group EDD and NEDD all decreased and VCAM - 1 expressed in smooth muscle cells.
在B3组粥样斑块时,EDD更进一步减低,同时NEDD也出现损伤,VCAM -1 主要以平滑肌细胞表达为主,VCAM-1 在正常状态下呈低表达.