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ventilateCET6/考研/GRE/TOEFL/IELTS - 英?[?vent?le?t]
- 美?[?vent?le?t]
词态变化- 第三人称单数:?ventilates;
- 过去式:?ventilated;
- 过去分词:?ventilated;
- 现在分词:?ventilating;
- 名词:?ventilation;
实用场景例句a well-ventilated room 通风良好的房间 牛津词典 The bathroom is ventilated by means of an extractor fan. 这个浴室使用抽风扇通风。 牛津词典 [不可数名词]a ventilation shaft 通风井 牛津词典 Make sure that there is adequate ventilation in the room before using the paint. 在使用油漆前确保室内通风充足。 牛津词典 Ventilate the room properly when paint stripping... 当油漆开始剥落时,要给房间适当通风。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The pit is ventilated by a steel fan. 矿井中用钢制通风机来保持空气流通。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He did not think it the job of officials to ventilate their doubts or daydreams. 他认为公开提出自己的疑问或不切实际的想法并非官员们的分内之事。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Features: imitation leather do not ventilate the heat well! 特点: 仿皮做的是不透风保暖的效果很好! 期刊摘选 Strengthen blood vessel's ventilate ability, make eyes bright and spiritual. 增强血管的通透性,令眼部血气充足, 亮目怡神. 期刊摘选 Members are asked not to ventilate club problems outside this meeting. 要求会员们在这次会议之外勿公开讨论本俱乐部的问题. 期刊摘选 It certainly remains for the press a virtue to ventilate opinion. 发表意见当然仍是媒体的职责. 演讲部分 Irene was opening the window ventilate the room at that time. 那时艾琳正打开窗子使房间通风. 期刊摘选 Protect tummy button from catching cold. Absorbent, ventilate. 保护肚脐以免受凉,吸汗 、 透气. 期刊摘选 She began to ventilate her opinion angrily. 她开始生气地发表自己的看法. 期刊摘选 I usually ventilate my house after a night of smoking cigars. 在抽完一晚雪茄之后我通常会给我的房子通通风. 期刊摘选 Most close to the skin. Absorbent, ventilate. 穿在肌肤的第一层, 吸汗 、 透气. 期刊摘选 Be sure to ventilate on the upstroke. 要明确吹气是在手抬起时吹入的. 辞典例句 This article enters into the clinic application of the noninvasive positive pressure mechanical ventilate technique. 文章对无创正压机械通气技术临床应用进行研讨. 期刊摘选 A virtue of the press is to ventilate opinion. 媒体有一个职责就是发表意见. 期刊摘选 What do you make out of the difficulty trying to ventilate her during a prior anesthetic? 在该患者上次麻醉中出现通气困难时你怎样做? 期刊摘选 To expose to free movement of air; ventilate or dry. 为了使变干而暴露在 温和 的或热的空气中. 期刊摘选 We ventilate a room by opening windows. 我们开窗以使室内空气流通. 《简明英汉词典》 The lungs ventilate the blood. 肺吸收新鲜空气使血液净化. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 The house is on the high floor , good daylight , ventilate, very quiet to live in! 此房在高区, 采光, 通风都很好,安静适宜居住! 期刊摘选 The finished goods have the features: delicate and ventilate and comfortable. 罩杯产品具备外形美观,透气舒适的特点. 期刊摘选 Or else Mr Obama can simply ventilate as he has done, but actually do nothing. 第三,奥巴马可以发泄一番(这他已经做了), 却没有什么实际措施. 期刊摘选 Ventilate the room in which the apparatus is located to remove heat and moisture. 3对放置仪器的房间排风以除去热量和湿气. 期刊摘选 He angrily began to ventilate his opinion. 他气愤地开始发表自己的意见. 期刊摘选 英英释义Verb1. expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen;"air the old winter clothes" "air out the smoke-filled rooms" 2. expose to the circulation of fresh air so as to retard spoilage;"Wheat should be well ventilated" 3. circulate through and freshen;"The gust of air ventilated the room" 4. give expression or utterance to;"She vented her anger" "The graduates gave vent to cheers" 5. furnish with an opening to allow air to circulate or gas to escape;"The architect did not thnk about ventilating the storage space"
词根词缀词根: vent 1. =come,表示"来,走"; 2. =wind,表示"风" adj.eventful 重大的,重要的,多变故的event[n.事件,事情]+ful充满……的→事件多→多变故的 eventual 最后的,结局的,最终的event[n.事件,事情]+ual……的→出事之后[最终]的 inventive 善于发明或创造的,有发明或创造才能的invent[v.发明,创造;捏造,虚构]+ive……的→adj.善于发明或创造的,有发明或创造才能的 preventive 预防性的prevent[v.[from]预防,防止,阻止,制止,妨碍]+ive……的→adj.预防性的 adv.eventually 最后, 终于eventual[adj.最后的,结局的,最终的]+ly表副词→adv.最后, 终于 n.eventuality 可能发生的事eventual最终的+ity表名词→最终可能发生的 intervention 干涉inter之间+vent走+ion表名词→走在二者之间→干涉 invention 发明, 创造invent发明,创造+ion表名词→n.发明, 创造 inventor 发明家invent发明,创+or人→n.发明家 conventionality 陈规陋习,因袭传统convention集会;习俗+ality表名词→n.陈规陋习,因袭传统 vent 孔,口vent风→v.发泄[情绪],开孔 n.孔,口 ventilation 通风ventilate[v.使通风;给…装通风设备]+ion表名词→n.通风 v.invent 发明,创造;捏造,虚构in进+vent来,走→走进来,发明出 vent 发泄[情绪],开孔 vent风→v.发泄[情绪],开孔 n.孔,口 ventilate 使通风;给…装通风设备vent风+ilate=ate表动词→v.使通风;给…装通风设备
同义词vt.使通风aircoolaeraterefresh vt.自由讨论discussdeliberatereasontalkstudyconsiderexamineovertreat 其他释义discusstalkrefreshstudydeliberateconsidertreatreasoncoolexaminecanvassaerateoverair