The results of western blot analysis were in accordance with those of 2 - DE.
对部分差异蛋白采用Western-blot方法在蛋白水平的验证结果与 2-DE 结果基本相符.
Conclusion We can exactly judge atrial - ventricular valve prolapse with 2 - DE and CDFI and provide reliable information.
结论二 维 及CDFI对房室瓣脱垂的判断准确,为临床修复、瓣膜替换术提供可靠依据.
The two - dimensional gel electophoresis ( 2 - DE ) , mass spectrometry ( MS ) and bioinformatics are three key technologies for proteomics study.
二维凝胶 电泳 、 谱 和生物信息学是蛋白质组学研究的三大关键技术.