TH, 5 - HT , SP and L - ENK immunoreactive fibers in the lateral horn were unmyelinated.
大鼠侧角内的 5-HT 、TH 、 SP和L-ENK免疫反应纤维均为无髓纤维.
Carcinoid flush cannot be reproduced by 5 - HT infusion though bradykinin injection will produce tolerably close imitation.
5 ― HT的输注不能引起类癌性潮红,相反,舒缓激肽的注入则可得到较近似的阳性结果.
Therefore, inhibition of 5 - HTT might abolish the proliferative response of PASMCs to 5 - HT .
而且这一作用可被5-HT转载体( 5-HT transporter, 5-HTT)选择性抑制剂帕罗西汀、氟西汀剂量依赖性抑制.
Therefore, inhibition of 5 - HTT might abolish the proliferative response of PASMCs to 5 - HT .
而且这一作用可被 5-HT 转载体(5-HTtransporter, 5-HTT)选择性抑制剂帕罗西汀、氟西汀剂量依赖性抑制.
Among them , 5 - HT 2 B receptor is the one which has the highest affinity with 5 - HT.
5-HT _(2B)R是 5-HT_2R家族 中与 5-HT 亲合力最高的亚型.
Methods: 5 - HT concentrations in the plasma from 45 cases of hypertension and OSAS were determined radioimmunoassay.
方法: 应用放射免疫法测定45例高血压合并阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者血清5-HT浓度.
S . After Cyp was used to block 5 - HT 2 receptor, inhibition effect of EA could be decreased partially.
5. 中缝背核微量注入赛庚啶阻断其中的 5-HT _2受体后,电针对胃运动 、 胃电慢波的抑制效应被部分阻断.
The effects of MEL could be blocked by cyprohetadine ( CPD ), one orthe 5 - HT receptor antagonists.
MEL的效应能被5 - HT的拮抗剂噻庚啶 ( CPD ) 所阻断.
Noradre - naline and 5 - HT in the serum and lung was lower than in ESG.
血清和肺ESPG组去甲肾上腺素、 5-HT 含量低于ESG组.
The effects of 5 - HTP could be abolished by Methysergide ( MS ), an antagonist of 5 - HT receptor.
5HT受体阻断剂麦角新碱 ( MS ) 的效应与5HTP相反, 并可阻断5HTP的作用.
However , NPY - CBHRP, CGRP - CHRP and 5 - HT - CBHRP labelled cells were allfound in the superior cervical ganglia.
在颈上神经节神经肽Y -CBHRP 、 降钙素基因相关肽-CBHRP和5-羟色胺-CBHRP三种标细胞均有出现.
Objective To investigate the relationship of the anti - inflammatory effects of tetramethylpyrazine with histamine and 5 - hydroxytryptaphane ( 5 - HT ) .
目的观察川芎嗪的 抗炎 作用与组胺、 5- 羟 色胺的关系.
The effects of 5 - HTP could be abolished by Methysergide ( MS ), an antagonist of 5 - HT receptor.
5HT受体阻断剂麦角新碱 ( MS ) 的效应与5HTP相反, 并可阻断 5HTP 的作用.
When endothelium - dependent vasodilator ( 5 - HT ) was used , CF in SDMC - 2 group was highly increased and CVR decreased.
SDMC -2 组CF显著增加(P< 001),CVR降低 ( P<005 ) .
The OD value of the four seasons is almost the same ( P & gt; 0.05 ).
四个季节5-HT阳性细胞的光密度差异不大 ( P & gt; 0.05 ).