China regrets the abrogation of the Anti - Ballistic Missile Treaty.
中国对《 反 弹道导弹条约》失效感到遗憾.
Both of the above systems appear relevant should China develop anti - ballistic missile weaponry also.
上述两种系统关联起来看,中国很可能也在发展 反 弹道导弹武器.
Moons can now attacked with interplanetary rockets. Anti - Ballistic Missiles of the planet will defend the moon.
月球现在可以被星际导弹攻击, 月球所在星球的 反 弹道导弹将会保卫月球.
Xiao Ming is suddenly obsessed with weapons, he is especially interested in anti - ballistic missiles.
小明忽然成了兵器迷, 尤其对 反 弹道导弹很有兴趣.
Please have a look at the models of cruise missiles, anti - ballistic missiles and space rockets.
请看看巡航导弹 、 反 弹道导弹和宇宙火箭的模型吧.