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concession高中/CET4/CET6/考研/GRE/IELTS 实用场景例句(especially North American English)Kerry's concession speech (= when he admitted that he had lost the election) 克里承认竞选失败的讲话 牛津词典 the concession of university status to some colleges 对某些学院升为大学的许可 牛津词典 Tickets are £3; there is a £1 concession for students. 票价为3英镑,学生票减免1英镑。 牛津词典 Adults £2.50, concessions £2, family £5 成人、优惠、家庭票价分别为2.50英镑、2英镑、5英镑。 牛津词典 The Bolivian government has granted logging concessions covering 22 million hectares. 玻利维亚政府批准了在2 200万公顷土地上的伐木特许权。 牛津词典 the burger concessions at the stadium 体育场内的汉堡包小吃摊 牛津词典 a major/an important concession 重大的让步 牛津词典 She made no concession to his age; she expected him to work as hard as she did. 她丝毫也不体谅他的年龄,要求他干得像她一样卖力。 牛津词典 to win a concession from sb 取得某人的让步 牛津词典 The firm will be forced to make concessions if it wants to avoid a strike. 要想避免罢工,公司将不得不作出一些让步。 牛津词典 Open daily; admission £1.10 with concessions for children and OAPs. 每天开放;门票1.10英镑,儿童和退休人士可享受票价优惠。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...tax concessions for mothers who stay at home with their children. 针对在家照顾孩子的母亲的纳税优惠 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The government has granted concessions to three private telephone companies. 政府已经向3家私营电话公司授予了特许权。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The King made major concessions to end the confrontation with his people. 为了结束与其臣民的冲突,国王作出了很大的让步。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 As a concession to his reasonable demand, the doctor allowed him to work. 医生向他的合理要求让步了, 允许他工作. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 Advise what you hear from them query their eventual concession possible. 请把从他们那里得到消息告诉我们,怀疑他们最后可能会做出让步. 期刊摘选 The French company's concession would expire in 1904. 法国公司的特许权将于1904年满期. 辞典例句 He decided to open an ice cream concession business. 他决定做冰淇淋特许经营的生意. 期刊摘选 It's really impossible for us make any concession by allowing you any commission. 在给你们的佣金问题上,我们真的不可能作出任何让步. 期刊摘选 Before long Shanghai lay off is big land serves as communal concession and law concession. 不久上海又划出大片土地作为公共租界和法租界. 期刊摘选 This papaer deals with decision making method on the concession term for traffic BOT projects. 本文主要研究了交通bot项目中特许权期的决策问题. 期刊摘选 At that point we offered them a concession. 于是我们提出了退一步的请求. 期刊摘选 But this I say by way of concession, not by way of command. 6我说这话,是容许你们, 并不是命令. 期刊摘选 Basic game theory , however, suggests the industry will win one concession but not both. 不过, 按照基本博弈论,矿商们应该能够赢得一个让步,但不可能两者得兼. 期刊摘选 I do not think i'll make any concession in this matter. 我想我不会在这件事上作出任何让步. 期刊摘选 On the question of style, however, I make no concession. 但是关于风格的问题, 我决不会让步. 期刊摘选 We may consider making some concession in our price. 在价格上,我们可以考虑作一些让步. 期刊摘选 真题例句But by giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions. 出自-2010年考研阅读原文 词根词缀词根: cess =go,表示"行走,前进" adj.accessible 能接近的;可进去的access[n.接近;入口 v.存取, 接近]+ible能……的→adj.能接近的;可进去的 accessory 附属的,同谋的access接近+ory表形容词或名词→接近的物→附加物,附属的 excessive 过分的;过度的excess[n.过度,过剩]+ive……的→adj.过分的;过度的 inaccessible 难以接近的in不+accessible[adj.能接近的;可进去的]→adj.难以接近的 successive 连续的,继承的suc随后+cess行走,前进+ive……的→随后跟上→连续的 n.access 接近;入口 ac接近+cess行走,前进→走近 accessory 附件,零件,同谋者 access接近+ory表形容词或名词→接近的物→附加物,附属的 ancestor 祖先;祖宗an=ante前+cest=cess行走,前进+or人→走在前面的人→祖先 ancestry 祖先;世系,家世an=ante前+cest=cess行走,前进+ry整体→n.祖先;世系,家世 concession 让步;退位con共同+cess后退+ion动作或状态→n.让步;退位 excess 过度,过剩ex出+cess行走,前进→n.过度,过剩 necessary 必需品ne=need需要+cess行走,前进+ary物→n.必需品 necessity 必要性, 需要,必需品ne=need需要+cess行走,前进+ity性质,特性等→n.必要性, 需要,必需品 procession 队伍,行列process[n.过程;进行 v.加工, 处理]+ion表名词→向前走的队伍 recess 休息;隐居re回+cess行走,前进→走回去→休息 recession 撤退;交还re回+cess行走,前进+ion动作或状态→走回去→撤退 success 成功;胜利suc随后+cess行走,前进→随后跟上→继续→继续做→成功 succession 接连发生,继承, 继任suc随后+cess行走,前进+ion动作或状态→随后跟上→继续发生→继续别人[事业,成功]→继承, 继任 v.access 存取, 接近ac接近+cess行走,前进→走近
同义词n.妥协,协调compromiseadjustment n.核准,许可,特许warrantsanctionrightprerogativepermissionpermitauthorizationfranchiseleavelicence n.特权,特许权exceptionprivilegeimmunity n.让与cessionbestowalallowancetrade-offcedingconferralconfermentgrant n.让步,迁就inyieldingcapitulationsurrenderresignationassentgrantinggivingcomplianceconcedingacquiescence n.限制条件reservationqualificationcondition