at full cock
(of a gun) with the cock lifted to the position at which the trigger will act
cock one's ear
(of a dog) raise its ears to an erect position
cock one's eye
glance in a quizzical or knowing manner with a raised eyebrow
cock a snook
cock something up
(或 cock up)(Brit. informal)spoil or ruin something as a result of incompetence or inefficiency
the party cocked up the Euro-elections.
cock a snoot 或 cock a snook &I{【俚语】}
To express scorn or derision by or as if by placing the thumb on the nose and wiggling the fingers; thumb one's nose
“&I{[He]} could cock a snoot at the rest of the . . . world and blithely go his own way” (&b{Elie Kedourie})
“&I{[他]} 在其余人面前翘起鼻子…愉快地走他自己的路” (&b{伊利·吉多利})
cock of the walk
An overbearing or domineering person.