释义 |
concubine- 英?[?k??kjuba?n]
- 美?[?kɑ??kjuba?n]
实用场景例句She is an imperial concubine and one of the emperor's favorites. 她是皇帝的倢伃,十分受皇帝宠信. 期刊摘选 Appearance of the United States , like beauty, like the Dowager Concubine Yang? 外貌美, 想西施, 杨贵妃那样的倾国倾城? 期刊摘选 His concubine , Mistress Chen, was visiting with her old mother. 陈姨太也回到了她的年老的母亲那里. 汉英文学 - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26) Then he and wife discuss, want to marry a child of concubine a future life. 于是他和妻子商量, 想要娶个妾来生孩子. 期刊摘选 Wu Zetian entered Tang palace at 13 and became a concubine of Emperor Taizong. 武则天进入唐代宫13,并成为妾的唐太宗. 期刊摘选 " They say your grandfather's old friend Feng is looking for a concubine. “ 说是冯老太爷要讨姨太太,冯老太太也到我们公馆里头来过,她说,我们公馆里的丫头都长得不错,向老太爷要一个. 汉英文学 - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26) Ephah , Caleb's concubine , bore Haran , Moza and Gazez; and Haran became the father of Gazez. 代上2:46迦勒的妾以法生哈兰 、 撒、谢. 兰生迦卸. 期刊摘选 Left the field Wang Nan's is a andmother in life goal, becomes a happy concubine. 离开了球场的王楠在生活中的目标就是做个贤妻良母, 成为一个幸福的小女人. 期刊摘选 And this was why he had long ceased to question his concubine about her night life. 从此对于姨太太的夜游生活便简直不敢过问了. 子夜部分 The 1911 episode a drama between a master and his favorite concubine. 1911年这段戏剧发生在一个文人和他爱的青楼女子之间. 期刊摘选 But the story is about a defeated king whose concubine killed herself. 但故事是关于一个战败的国王,他的妃子自杀了. 期刊摘选 Because she was the king's favorite concubine, the understrappers all showed great respect toward her. 因为是国王的宠妾, 下人都对她毕恭毕敬. 期刊摘选 The emperor wanted to elevate his favorite concubine to the status of his formal wife. 皇上想把他的爱妃扶正为皇后. 期刊摘选 Who'd want to become a concubine without ever falling in love? 谁希望自己还没尝过爱情的滋味就成了别人的妾? 电影对白 Have a person that has wife, married a concubine again one day. 有一个有老婆的人, 有一天又娶了一个小老婆. 期刊摘选 Caleb's concubine Maacah was the mother of Sheber and Tirhanah. 迦勒的妾玛迦生示别,特哈拿. 期刊摘选 The seven Dhai twelve jin ling , jia of forgiveness and concubine, ms. 金陵十二钗之七,是贾赦与妾所生的, 排行为贾府二小姐. 期刊摘选 The legal status of a concubine has varied in different societies. 在不同的社会,妾的法律地位有所不同. 辞典例句 Almost always, the businessman's wife must accept a new form of concubine: the company. 商人的妻子总是必须要接受一种新形式的妾: 公司. 期刊摘选 The eunuchs who looked after them also stood to benefit if their concubine was chosen. 如果嫔妃被皇帝选中过夜,那些服侍她们的太监也能受益. 期刊摘选 This article is an examination of the remarriage, concubine and prostitute problems in the Northern dynasty. 本文考察了北朝的再嫁、后娶 、 妾妓诸问题. 期刊摘选 As to the territory Tsultrim Han palace concubine speech. 至于楚臣去境,汉妾辞宫. 期刊摘选 The sons of Manasseh , whom his Aramean concubine bore: she bore Machir, the father of Gilead. 默纳协的儿子:马基尔, 是他的一个阿兰妾给他生的; 玛基尔是基肋阿的的父亲. 期刊摘选 And Ephah , Caleb's concubine, bare Haran , and Moza, and Gazez : and Haran begat Gazez. 迦勒的妾以法生哈兰, 摩撒, 迦谢.哈兰生迦卸. 期刊摘选 GUAN Xia : Fantasies Symphoniques , Farewell , My Concubine Zheng, Xiao, Soprano and Orchestra. 关峡: 交响幻想曲《霸王别姬》-筝 、 箫 、 女高音和乐队. 期刊摘选 英英释义Noun1. a woman who cohabits with an important man
词根词缀后缀: -ine 1. 表形容词,"……的"; 2. 表名词,"状态,药物等"; 3. "物体"; 4. 表名词,"人或女人" adj.canine 犬的,犬科的can狗+ine……的→adj.犬的,犬科的 elephantine 笨拙的,巨大的elephant大象+ine……的→adj.笨拙的,巨大的 marine 海的,海生的;船舶的,航海的mari海+ine……的→marine海的,海生的 pristine 太古的,纯洁的,新鲜的prist=first首先,最初+ine……的→adj.太古的,纯洁的,新鲜的 routine 常规的,例行的route路线,路程+ine……的→adj.常规的,例行的 saturnine 忧郁的,阴沉的saturn魔鬼+ine……的→adj.忧郁的,阴沉的 serpentine 似蛇般绕曲的,蜿蜒的serpent蛇+ine……的→adj.似蛇般绕曲的,蜿蜒的 n.antifebrine [化]乙醯胺苯,退热冰anti反+febr热+ine状态,药物等→n.[化]乙醯胺苯,退热冰 caffeine 咖啡因caffee咖啡+ine状态,药物等→caffeine→咖啡因 famine 饥荒,饥馑fam饿+ine状态,药物等→n.饥荒,饥馑 iodine 碘,碘酒iod碘+ine状态,药物等→n.碘,碘酒 routine 例行公事,常规route路线,路程+ine状态,药物等→routine常走的路线→常规 vaseline 凡士林,凡士林的商标名vasel+ine状态,药物等→由商标名转化而来 concubine 小老婆,妾,情妇con一起+cub躺+ine人或女人→一起躺着的人→情妇 figurine 小塑像,小雕像figure形体,蒴像+ine人或女人→figurine小塑像 heroine 女英雄;女主角hero英雄+ine人或女人→n.女英雄;女主角 philistine 庸人,市侩philist菲力斯人+ine人或女人→n.庸人,市侩
词根: cub 1. =lie down,表示"躺"; 2. =barrier,表示躺的"东西,障碍" n.concubine 小老婆,妾, 情妇con一起+cub躺+ine女人→一起躺着的女人→情妇 cubicle 寝室,小卧室cub躺+icle小东西,小地方→躺的小地方 incubation 孵卵期,潜伏期incubate[v.孵化;使发展]+ion状态,过程→n.孵卵期,潜伏期 incubator 孵卵器,早产婴儿保育箱incubate[v.孵化;使发展]+or物器→n.孵卵器,早产婴儿保育箱 incubus 梦魔,恶梦,负担in进入+cub躺+us→[人入睡时]躺在人身体上[或里面]的东西 v.incubate 孵化;使发展in向内+cub躺+ate表动词→躺在里面→孵卵