Objective To discuss the relationship between neonate asphyxia and serum CK - MB changes.
The test of ALT, AST, ? ? - GT, LDH, CHE, α - HBDH, α - Amy, CK, CK - MB, T - Bil, P - ALB , T - CHO, TG, HDL - Cho , ApoA 1, ApoB 100, GSP, D 3 and Urea levels are limited by using heparin.
目前条件下ALT 、 AST 、 -γGT 、 LDH 、 CHE 、 -αHBDH 、 -αAmy 、 CK 、 CK-MB 、 T-Bil 、 P -ALB 、 T-CHO 、 TG 、 HDL -Cho 、 ApoA1 、 ApoB100 、 GSP 、 D3和Urea运用肝素有局限性.
Results The CK - MB in 58 cases of 66 had increased and severe cases had higher CK - MB.
结果窒息组66例中,有58例血清CK-MB 明显增高,且重度窒息者CK-MB 增高更为显著.
ThepositiverateofcTnTandcTnIat 6 hourafterAMIwere 61.9 % and 64.3 %, which were significantly higher than that of CK and CK - MB ( 7.1 % and 4.7 % ).
6d内cTnT、cTnI阳性检出率为61.9%、64.3%, 而CK、CK-MB检出率为 7.1% 、4.7%.
Results PAPP - α and hs - CRP concentrations in blood increased 24 hours after coronary stent implantation.
结果支架置入术后24hPAPP-α、hs-CRP较术前升高(P< 0.05),而肌钙蛋白I、CK-MB 无明显变化.