释义 |
consignment- 英?[k?n?sa?nm?nt]
- 美?[k?n?sa?nm?nt]
实用场景例句a consignment of medicines 运送的一批药物 牛津词典 The first consignment of food has already left Bologna. 运送的第一批食品已经离开了博洛尼亚。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Products took out of consignment stock? 是产品采用寄售方式 吗 ? 期刊摘选 We expect to close out the balance of you consignment in the next few days. 我们预料几天后将你寄售货物的剩余部份减价售出. 期刊摘选 They have shipped the goods here for consignment sale. 他们已将货物运来此地寄售. 期刊摘选 The colour of the shipment is much darker than that of your previous consignment. 这批货的颜色比上批要暗许多. 口语例句 The consignment appears to have been roughly handled and left near a heater. 看来货物未受到细心的处娌,并且被放置于加热器附近. 期刊摘选 The quality of this consignment is far from being satisfactory. 交付的货物质量不能令人满意. 期刊摘选 We have in the first place to apologize to you for the damage to the consignment. 首先,我们要为货物受损一事向贵方表示歉意. 期刊摘选 Focus on creating perfect quality and in building up top brand in consignment! 专注缔造完美品质,专业打造发货第一品牌! 期刊摘选 Winning a consignment takes patience, hard work and luck. 赢得委托合约需要耐心 、 辛勤努力还有运气. 期刊摘选 In principle, AWB should be issued after acceptance of the entire consignment. 原则上, 应由货主填写,但实际上,一般由受承运人委托的代理代表承运人填写. 期刊摘选 Under the consignment shop structure, banks would consign only assets with doubtful values. 根据寄售商店的结构, 银行只寄售价值不清的资产. 期刊摘选 The period of consignment is six months ( 180 day ) starting from the goods'arrival at the destination. 寄售期为从货物到达目的地之日起6个月. 期刊摘选 This last consignment of hosiery is quite up to standard. 这批新到的针织品完全符合规格. 《简明英汉词典》 We received your favor of July 7 a consignment of Japanese goods. 7月7日来函已收悉,得知贵公司将寄送日本货给本公司代销. 期刊摘选 This licence of Unique Reference Number printed above covers the export of a single consignment only. 上列参考编号所指的本证只可用于出口一批付运货品. 期刊摘选 The consignment have still not arrive. 拖运物品仍未到达. 期刊摘选 We have consigned the goods, valuing $ 19, 000,000 as the first consignment to you. 我们已将第一次寄信品寄交贵公司, 价值19, 000,000元. 期刊摘选 Consignment stock is transferred to valuated stock, thus resulting in a vendor liability. 寄售库存转储到评估库存, 因而产生一个供应商债务(会计凭证). 期刊摘选 This consignment is insured under our open cover terms. 这批货物按我方预约保险条件投保. 期刊摘选 When is the deadline of the loading period for our consignment? 我们的货物装期什么时候截止? 期刊摘选 The consignment of car was shipped abroad last week. 寄售的汽车上周发运出国. 期刊摘选 The salesman sorted his new consignment of stockings. 推销员把新到的一批长袜清理分类. 《简明英汉词典》 We are pleased to inform you that the last lot consignment has been duly dispatched. 我们高兴地通知贵方,最后一批货已按时发运. 期刊摘选 Title to the goods sold in the consignment before the consignment is still people. 货物的所有权在寄售地出售之前仍属寄售人. 期刊摘选 On approval of your first consignment only then we will see how best we can move. 只有批准通过了你的第一批交货,我们才能决定接下来怎么做. 期刊摘选 We are confident that this consignment will promote the mutually profitable connection between us. 我们深信这批寄售业务将促进双方之间的互利关系. 期刊摘选 However, importers like consignment because it reduces their risk and requires no additional working capital. 然而, 进口商们喜欢寄售的做法,因为寄售可以减少他们的风险,而且无须占用太多的流动资金. 期刊摘选 a consignment of medicines 运送的一批药物 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 英英释义Noun1. goods carried by a large vehicle2. the official act of consigning a person to confinement (as in a prison or mental hospital)3. the delivery of goods for sale or disposal
词根词缀词根: sign 1. =mark,表示"记号,信号,标志"; 2. 签署 adj.significant 有意义的;重大的,重要的significance[[n.意义,含义;重要性,重要的]]→adj.有意义的;重大的,重要的 n.insignia 徽章,袖章in内部+sign记号,信号,标志+ia状态→内部标志 assignment 分配,指派;[指定的]作业,[分派的]任务assign派给,分配+ment表名词→n.分配,指派;[指定的]作业,[分派的]任务 consignment 托运,寄售consign[v.托运,托人看管]+ment表名词→n.托运,寄售 design 设计,图样de加强+sign记号→做好记号→设计 designation 指定,名称,称呼designate[v.指明,指出;任命,指派]+ion表名词→designation指定 ensign 旗, 军舰旗, 军旗, 徽章,舰旗[船上表示所属国家的旗帜]en内部+sign记号,信号,标志→内部标志 resignation 放弃,辞职,反抗resign[v.辞去,辞职,使听从[于],使顺从]+ation表名词→n.放弃,辞职,反抗 sign 符号;手势;征兆,迹象 sign记号,信号,标志→n.符号;手势;征兆,迹象 v. 签名;作手势 signal 信号,暗号 sign记号,信号,标志+al→n.信号,暗号 v.发信号,用信号通知 signature 签名,署名,签字sign记号,信号,标志+ature表名词→记号的东西→签名 signet 图章, 印 sign记号,信号,标志+et做记号→图章 significance 意义,含义;重要性,重要的signifi=signify[v.表示,意味;要紧,有重要性]+cance→n.意义,含义;重要性,重要的 v.assign 派给,分配;选定,指定[时间,地点等]as加强+sign签署→指定 design 设计;构思 de加强+sign记号→做好记号→设计 designate 指明,指出;任命,指派de加强+sign记号+ate表动词→指定记号→指定,指明 consign 托运,托人看管con共同+sign记号,信号,标志→共同做记号→把……委托给别人 resign 辞去,辞职,使听从[于],使顺从re回+sign签署→v.辞去,辞职,使听从[于],使顺从 sign 签名;作手势sign记号,信号,标志→n.符号;手势;征兆,迹象 v. 签名;作手势 signal 发信号,用信号通知sign记号,信号,标志+al→n.信号,暗号 v.发信号,用信号通知 signalize 使著名, 使显著, 使显眼, 向……发信号signal信号+ize表动词→发信号 signet 盖章于sign记号,信号,标志+et做记号→图章 signify 表示,意味;要紧,有重要性sign记号,信号,标志+ify……化→用信号表示→象征
词组搭配on consignmentWith the provision that payment is expected only on completed sales and that unsold items may be returned to the one consigning 寄售方式:规定只有在售完后才付款并且未售出的物品可以被退还给委托人 The retailer accepted the shipment on consignment. 零售商接受了运来的寄售物品
同义词n.交付,委托,寄售,托卖depositremittanceconveyancedelegationtransferaldeliveryoverrelinquishmententrustingentrustmentgivingmissionerrandassignmentcommissiontrustrelegationmandate 行业词典公路科技托运??? 法律发货单??? 铁道一批货物???