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conspiracyCET4/CET6/考研/GRE/TOEFL/IELTS - 英?[k?n?sp?r?si]
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实用场景例句a conspiracy to overthrow the government 颠覆政府的阴谋 牛津词典 conspiracies against the president 反对总统的阴谋诡计 牛津词典 a conspiracy of silence (= an agreement not to talk publicly about sth which should be made public) 保持缄默的密约(对该公开的事情不公开谈论的约定) 牛津词典 They were charged with conspiracy to murder. 他们被指控密谋策划谋杀。 牛津词典 a conspiracy theory (= the belief that a secret conspiracy is responsible for a particular event) 阴谋论(认为某事件背后有阴谋) 牛津词典 It's all part of a conspiracy to dispense with the town centre all together and move everything out to Meadowhall... 彻底抛开市中心而把所有东西都搬到梅多霍尔购物中心,这完全是一场阴谋的一部分。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 There was no evidence to link the brigade to any conspiracy against Mr Bush. 没有证据表明这帮人对布什先生图谋不轨。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Detectives have run into a conspiracy of silence in the tight-knit communities of the peninsula. 侦探们犯了难,半岛上各个群体抱成一团,达成了保持缄默的密约。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He believes there probably was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy in 1963. 他认为1963年肯尼迪总统遇刺身亡可能是一个阴谋。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Seven men, all from Bristol, admitted conspiracy to commit arson... 7个人都来自布里斯托尔,他们承认了合谋纵火。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 That conspirator was accused of conspiracy to murder. 那个同谋者被控参与谋杀. 期刊摘选 Are you a member of a conspiracy controlled by a foreign power? 你是一个外国力量控制的阴谋集团的成员 么 ? 期刊摘选 The surviving leaders of the conspiracy were tortured in prison to make them confess. 这个阴谋反叛集团中幸存下来的领导人在监牢里遭到严刑拷打,逼他们招认口供. 辞典例句 Those who go in for intrigues and conspiracy are doomed to failure. 搞阴谋诡计的人注定要失败. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 It was this happy feminine conspiracy which made Southern society so pleasant. 正是这种愉快的女性共有的情操,才使南方社会如此令人高兴. 飘(部分) This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy. 他这一手是一个居心叵测的大阴谋. 《简明英汉词典》 The police discovered his conspiracy to overthrow the government with some army officers. 警方发现他与一些军官同谋企图推翻政府. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 We heard of his implication in a conspiracy. 我们听说他被牵连在叛乱案中. 《简明英汉词典》 She was convicted on an indictment for conspiracy. 她被控以共谋罪,罪名成立. 《简明英汉词典》 He was charged with conspiracy to suborn witnesses. 他被指控阴谋收买证人作伪证. 《简明英汉词典》 The men were found guilty of conspiracy to murder. 这些人被裁决犯有阴谋杀人罪. 《简明英汉词典》 He was mixed up in the conspiracy. 他参与了那次阴谋. 《简明英汉词典》 a conspiracy to overthrow the government 颠覆政府的阴谋 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 At first, he was blissfully unaware of the conspiracy against him. 起初,他幸好不知道那些针对他的阴谋。 柯林斯例句 It's all part of a conspiracy to dispense with the town centre all together and move everything out to Meadowhall. 彻底抛开市中心而把所有东西都搬到梅多霍尔购物中心,这完全是一场阴谋的一部分. 柯林斯例句 Did you ever swallow the conspiracy theory about Kennedy? 你有没有轻信过有关肯尼迪总统遇刺的阴谋论? 柯林斯例句 He suspects there's a conspiracy to cover up the crime. 他怀疑有人密谋掩盖犯罪事实。 柯林斯例句 Everyone thinks there is some vast conspiracy wanting to hold down the younger generation. 大家都认为有一个想压制年轻一代的大阴谋。 柯林斯例句 He believes there probably was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy in 1963. 他认为1963年肯尼迪总统遇刺身亡可能是一个阴谋。 柯林斯例句 英英释义Noun1. a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act2. a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)3. a group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose
词根词缀后缀: -acy 表名词,"……性质,状态" n.celibacy 独身[主义]celib未婚+acy……性质,状态→n.独身[主义] conspiracy 阴谋,密谋,共谋conspire阴谋,共谋+acy……性质,状态→n.阴谋,密谋,共谋 contumacy 抗命,不服从contum反叛+acy……性质,状态→n.抗命,不服从 fallacy 谬误,错误fall错+acy……性质,状态→n.谬误,错误 intimacy 亲密,亲密的言行intim亲密+acy……性质,状态→n.亲密,亲密的言行 intricacy 错综复杂in进入+tric=trifle琐碎事+acy……性质,状态→进入琐碎的状态→错综复杂 piracy 非法翻印,海盗行为pirate海盗,盗印者+acy……性质,状态→piracy supremacy 至高无上,最高权力,霸权supreme极度的,极大的+acy……性质,状态→n.至高无上,最高权力,霸权
词根: spir =breathe,表示"呼吸,精神" adj.aspiring 热心的,积极的,有抱负的aspire[v.[to,after]渴望,追求,有志于]+ing表形容词→adj.热心的,积极的,有抱负的 spirited 精神饱满的;生机勃勃的spirit精神+ed……的→adj.精神饱满的;生机勃勃的 spiritual 精神[上]的,心灵的spirit精神+ual……的→adj.精神[上]的,心灵的 n.aspiration 渴望,热望aspire渴望+ation表名词→n.渴望,热望 conspiracy 阴谋,密谋,共谋conspire[v.阴谋,同谋,谋叛]+acy表名词→n.阴谋,密谋,共谋 expiration 期满,终止expire[v.期满,[期限]终止;呼气;断气,死亡]+ation表名词→n.期满,终止 inspiration 灵感;鼓舞,激励inspire[v.鼓舞,激起;使产生灵感]+ation表名词→n.灵感;鼓舞,激励 perspiration 出汗perspire[v.出汗]+ation结果→n.出汗 respiration 呼吸respire[v.呼吸]+ation表名词→n.呼吸 spirit 精神;志气;[spir呼吸,精神+it名词→n.精神;志气;[n.]情绪,心情;[n.]酒精 v.aspire [to,after]渴望,追求,有志于a加强+spir呼吸,精神+e→看到希望的东西加强呼吸→渴望,追求 conspire 阴谋,同谋,谋叛con共同+spir呼吸+e→同呼吸→同谋 dispirit 使沮丧, 使气馁dis去掉+pirit=spirit精神→去掉精神→使沮丧 expire 期满,[期限]终止;呼气;断气,死亡ex出+pire=spir呼吸→有出气没进气→断气 inspire 鼓舞,激起;使产生灵感in进入+spir呼吸,精神+e→吸气进去→引申为鼓励 perspire 出汗per全部+spir呼吸+e→全身呼吸→出汗 respire 呼吸re再次+spir呼吸,精神+e→v.呼吸 transpire 发生,蒸发,泄露trans改变,交流+spir呼吸,精神+e→互相呼吸→transpire泄漏
词组搭配a conspiracy of silencean agreement to say nothing about an issue that should be generally known 保持缄默协定;攻守同盟 同义词n.共谋collusionmachinationwire-pulling n.协力,共同协作concurrenceagreementcooperationcoactioncollaborationaccordcombinationaffiliation n.秘密组织,策划cabalsocietyjuntacoalitionallianceconfederacycamarillasecretclique n.阴谋,密谋plotplaycontrivancewebfoulintriguecomplottreacherydesignconnivanceschemeplottingstratagem 其他释义complicityconnectionunionconjunctionfaction