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dissolve高中/CET4/CET6/考研/GRE/TOEFL/IELTS 词态变化- 第三人称单数:?dissolves;
- 过去式:?dissolved;
- 过去分词:?dissolved;
- 现在分词:?dissolving;
实用场景例句Salt dissolves in water. 盐溶于水。 牛津词典 Heat gently until the sugar dissolves. 慢慢加热直到糖溶解为止。 牛津词典 Dissolve the tablet in water. 把药片溶于水中。 牛津词典 Their marriage was dissolved in 1999. 他们于 1999 年解除了婚姻关系。 牛津词典 The election was announced and parliament was dissolved. 宣布选举后,议会解散了。 牛津词典 When the ambulance had gone, the crowd dissolved. 救护车离开后人群便散了。 牛津词典 His calm response dissolved her anger. 他平静的回答化解了她的怒气。 牛津词典 When the teacher looked up, the children dissolved into giggles. 教师抬头看时,孩子们不禁格格笑起来。 牛津词典 Every time she heard his name, she dissolved into tears. 每当听到他的名字时,她都禁不住泪流满面。 牛津词典 a new detergent that dissolves stains 新型去污洗涤剂 牛津词典 All the original calcium had dissolved away. 所有原始钙都被破坏了。 牛津词典 Heat gently until the sugar dissolves... 慢慢加热直到糖溶解为止。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Dissolve the salt in a little boiled water. 将盐溶解在少许开水中。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The committee has been dissolved... 委员会已经解散了。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The King agreed to dissolve the present commission. 国王同意解散目前的委员会。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The present assembly will be dissolved on April 30th... 现在的议会将于 4 月 30 日解散。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Kaifu threatened to dissolve the Parliament and call an election. 卡夫威胁要解散议会并举行选举。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The marriage was dissolved in 1976. 这段婚姻于1976年结束。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 His new-found optimism dissolved... 他刚刚萌生的乐观情绪消失了。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Lenny still could not dissolve the nagging lump of tension in his chest. 莱尼仍不能消除令他不安的紧张感。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Hawthorn powder: invigorate and dissolve silt, clear the harmful substances in intestines, facilitate defecation. 山楂粉: 活血化淤, 清除肠道有害物质, 促进排便. 期刊摘选 Dissolve instant coffee in hot water, let cool. 咖啡溶于热水中, 待凉. 期刊摘选 Many substance which are insoluble in water wil dissolve in another solvent. 许多物质是不溶于水便会溶解在另一溶剂. 期刊摘选 Dissolve social contradiction, realize social harmony, need system does safeguard, need takes system construction seriously. 化解社会矛盾, 实现社会和谐, 需要制度做保障, 需要重视制度建设. 期刊摘选 Please dissolve one pill in water before taking it. 服前请将药丸放在水中溶化. 期刊摘选 Contain essence of papaya magma , a new formula to control, dissolve and remove freckles. 蕴含木瓜原浆精华素, 具有控斑, 溶斑,净斑功效的新配方. 期刊摘选 真题例句Now we are told Members of Parliament ( ' , MPs) will have a free vote before parliament is dissolved in March. 出自-2016年12月阅读原文 Town meetings called to discuss the problem inevitably dissolved into confrontations. 出自-2013年12月听力原文 英英释义Noun1. (film) a gradual transition from one scene to the next; the next scene is gradually superimposed as the former scene fades out
Verb1. cause to go into a solution;"The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water" 2. pass into a solution;"The sugar quickly dissolved in the coffee" 3. become weaker;"The sound faded out" 4. come to an end;"Their marriage dissolved" "The tobacco monopoly broke up" 5. stop functioning or cohering as a unit;"The political wing of the party dissolved after much internal fighting" 6. cause to lose control emotionally;"The news dissolved her into tears" 7. lose control emotionally;"She dissolved into tears when she heard that she had lost all her savings in the pyramid scheme" 8. cause to fade away;"dissolve a shot or a picture" 9. become or cause to become soft or liquid;"The sun melted the ice" "the ice thawed" "the ice cream melted" "The heat melted the wax" "The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase" "dethaw the meat" 10. bring the association of to an end or cause to break up;"The decree officially dissolved the marriage" "the judge dissolved the tobacco company" 11. declare void;"The President dissolved the parliament and called for new elections"
词根词缀词根: solv =loosen,表示"溶解,解决,松开" adj.solvable 可以解的,可以解决的solv溶解,解决,松开+able可以……的→adj.可以解的,可以解决的 insolvent 无钱还债的in无+solvent有偿债能力的→adj.无钱还债的 solvent 有偿债能力的 solv溶解,解决,松开+ent……的→adj.有偿债能力的 n.溶剂 n.resolve 解决;决心re再+solv溶解,解决,松开+e→v.决心;[使]分解,溶解;决议 n.解决;决心 solvency 溶解力,还债能力solv溶解,解决,松开+ency表名词→n.溶解力,还债能力 solvent 溶剂solv溶解,解决,松开+ent……的→adj.有偿债能力的 n.溶剂 v.absolve 免除责任,宣布赦免罪过ab去掉,免除+solv溶解,解决,松开+e→松开→免罪 dissolve [使]溶解,[使]融化;解散,取消dis分开+solv溶解,解决,松开+e→松开分散→没有限制 resolve 决心;[使]分解,溶解;决议 re再+solv溶解,解决,松开+e→v.决心;[使]分解,溶解;决议 n.解决;决心 solve 解决,解答solv溶解,解决,松开+e→v.解决,解答
同义词辨析melt, dissolve, fuse这些动词均含"融化,溶解"之意。 melt: 最常用词,指任何固体的熔化过程,常引申作"消散、淡化或消失"解。dissolve: 多指固体溶于溶剂的过程。fuse可与melt换用,但侧重指在高温下使两种或两种以上金属的熔合,也可作引申用。
同义词vi.结束;消失passceaseawayfadeenddisappear 其他释义disbandthawadjournliquefymeltawayliberatefadeceasepassendrustdisappear 反义词其他释义convokeassembleentangle 行业词典医学溶解??? 法律解散???宣告无效??? 药学溶化???药物加入适量开水,自然溶解。???